Chapter 11

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   "You guys are idiots."

The boys, including Ranka; Haruhi's dad, were stomping down the sidewalk causing a big commotion.

After Ranka walked in on a giant misunderstanding between Haruhi and Tamaki she left in a huff. Unfortunately, in her haste to get away from the buffoons, she left me. So now I'm following the boys, and Ranka, to the supermarket where they intend to spy on Haruhi. 

Tamaki and Ranka stopped in their tracks and tackled me, giving me hugs and babbling on about how daughters shouldn't call their daddy's idiots. "Yuki! You can't say things like that to the people who care about you!" Tamaki gushed as he rubbed his cheek against mine. Ranka's face fell and he tackled Tamaki to the ground, smashing his face into the sidewalk with his foot. "First you harass my Haruhi and now you try to make a pass at my Yuki?! You really are treading on thin ice young man!" I giggled and placed a hand on Ranka's shoulder, causing him to stop hurting Tamaki. "It's fine Ranka. Do you really think I'd fall for a fool like Tamaki-kun?" Ranka smiled at me while Tamaki got shocked and depressed. "That's my Yuki! Your never going to fall for a stupid boy like Tamaki! You're going to end up with a nice man like Takashi, aren't you Yuki?" He giggled innocently, but his eyes were full of evil. I glared at him with a bright red face. "Ranka!" I exclaimed while huffing and turning my head to the side. "Oh you! You are now my daughter, and as such you must call me daddy!" Tamaki stood up and held a firm and angry expression on his face. He marched up to Ranka, looking him dead in the eyes. "Now wait just a minute! As a member of my Host Club Yuki is my daughter!" They continued to argue so I sighed and continued walking, the other boys following behind me. 


        "So Kyoya, I'm surprised you agreed to this without so much as a complaint."

Kyoya looked up from his little black book and smirked at me. "My opinion has nothing to do with Tamaki's actions. Besides, saying something would only make them want to do it more." I smiled and punched his shoulder lightly, then he looked back down to the book and wrote something down. "That's the spirit Ootori!" I said with a giggle. The conversation ended there so I turned my attention to the ground. Which was a very bad idea.

Just as I had gotten lost in my thoughts Kyoya bumped my side, causing me to fly across the sidewalk and right into Takashi. I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I stopped a few feet from the ground, my body pressed against Takashi's. Our faces were close together, both of us blushing. Mine was the usual bright red, but Takashi's was just a light dusting I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't two inches away.        

We locked eyes and I became lost in my own little world. A world were it was just Takashi and me, togeth--

My thoughts were cut short when Tamaki cleared his throat. I blinked and soon my body was being lifted. Soon I was standing, facing the rest of the Host Club boys. I was silent the rest of the way to the supermarket, walking side by side with Takashi. 


        I was sad when I heard Ranka's story. His relationship with Haruhi was sweet, it made me wish I had a relationship like that with my dad. I sighed and followed Honey to the shopping carts. He wanted me to push him around and I had no objection.

I pushed him around, careful to avoid Haruhi, while he giggled wildly. Takashi walked by my side, keeping a close eye on Honey. I let Honey put random things in the cart. I told him I'd by him anything, within reason, because the supermarket was having a huge sale today. As we passed, I looked over to Haruhi and saw her standing with Tamaki, smiling brightly. I giggled, putting a piece of candy in the cart at Honey's request, but never taking my eyes off of my happy friend.

        We arrived to Haruhi's apartment soon after she caught us spying. The boys filed into the sitting room while me and Haruhi got to work on lunch. We made a stew pot, and to Tamaki's dismay, it had chrysanthemum. We brought it to the table and had a nice lunch full of laughter and fun.        

        Takashi, Honey, and me all left together. Honey insisted I let him give me a ride, and I gratefully accepted. The movie was quiet because Honey was watching a movie on a small portable device. Plus, Takashi wasn't really one for conversation. When we finally made it to my house Takashi walked me to my door. "Thanks for everything Takashi." The wind picked up, causing my bangs to fly into my face. "No problem." He replied while gently grabbing the strand of hair and tucking it behind my ear. I blushed and looked down, letting my blush fade before going for my key. I pulled it out of my pocket and carefully slid it into the slot. I opened the door, coming face to face with Eiji, who was holding his rabbit and had a stern look on his face. "Who's this Yuki?" Eiji nodded toward Takashi and tried to make his face look threatening. Which he totally failed at. "Just... Just a friend Eiji. Don't worry about it." I replied a bit reluctantly, but shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly. Eiji scowled and nodded. "Ichigo has been waiting for you to come home so you guys could make cookies together. Unless you want her to force your friend into baking I suggest you send him off. She'll be down any minute." He said coldly before glaring at Takashi and going upstairs. I sighed and smiled at his foolishness. "Sorry about him Takashi. I'll see you later." 

        With that, I built up my courage and kissed him on the cheek. Then I rushed inside, slammed the door, and rushed to my room, except I ran into Ichigo on my way.

"You got it bad sis."

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