Chapter 2

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    I exited my house in a rush and ran to my car. I told the driver to step on it and finished brushing my hair. I woke up late this morning, and if I don't hurry I'll be late to class. I hurriedly put my hair up in a ponytail and made sure all of my things were in my bag. Then, the car jerked to a stop and I hit my head on the car door. "Damn." I muttered as I got out of the car. "Thanks!" I called to my driver as I closed the door and ran to my first class. I ran in and got to my seat just as the bell rang. Perfect timing. I smiled even though I was out of breath and got my things out of my bag. Kyoya, who sat next to me, chuckled and whispered, "Your timing is impeccable Miss Akahisa." I gave him a look and whispered back, "It's Yuki, idiot. I am certainly not call you Mr. Otori, so you will not call me Miss Akahisa." I said with s playful glare and a smile. It was my second day at Ouran and I already had so many friends. I wonder if I'll go to the Host Club again today. If so, I'll have to do my studying at lunch. Unless Tamaki decides I have to come see them at lunch as well. Sigh, I'm probably going to regret going, but there's no way I'd be able to say no to Tamaki, and if I don't go I'll never hear the end of it. Okay so it's settled, I'm going to visit the Host Club today. I'll just stay up late to study. Who should I request today? I'd like to spend more time with the other hosts, but what about Honey? He's to adorable to say no to. I don't mind his and Mori's company, and they don't mind if I read while visiting them. The twins would probably end up shredding my book, and Tamaki would try even harder to get my attention then usual. So I guess I'll be requesting Honey and Mori again. The bell rang and brought me out of my thoughts. Wow, time sure does fly. As I went to put my stuff away a shadow shaded my cream colored desk. I smiled. "Good morning Tamaki-kun." I continued to put my stuff away, and I didn't even have to look at Tamaki to know he was giving me that idiotic smile of his. "Good morning to you as well Kyoya-kun." I said as I finally looked up to actually carry a conversation with the two boys. "Good morning my sweet flower!" Tamaki said overly dramatic as always. He tried to hug me, but I side-stepped at the last second and he ended up falling. Tamaki lied there with his face on the ground un-moving. His arms were folded under him and his legs were in the air.((You pervs)) "You know what? I have a question. Why is it that every host calls me 'flower'?" I asked them both. Well, more like just Kyoya, Tamaki was still on the ground shell-shocked. "Tamaki that floor is filthy." I said evenly, trying to hide my giggle. He made a strange gurgling noise, then suddenly he was up on his feet and he was smiling as if noting had happened at all. I giggled and smiled at him as I grabbed my book-bag. "Come on guys, we're going too be late." I said as I walked out of the room with light, quiet footsteps. 

I grabbed my bag and followed Tamaki and Kyoya out of the classroom and to Music Room Three. "So, I see your joining us for lunch today flower." Tamaki said while giving a glance. "No, I'm just stalking you." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. Tamaki teared up a bit but got over it as he saw Haruhi sitting alone in a classroom eating a bento. "I'll be right back, you two go without me." He said while walking into the classroom to bug Haruhi. I followed Kyoya to Music Room Three quietly. I find it's easier to be in Kyoya's company when nothing is being said. He is a little to evil to carry light conversation. When we arrived at the Host Club the sign said closed. I shrugged and continued in before Kyoya. He sighed a bit but let me in without complaint. The second the doors closed I was ambushed my the twins. "Nice hair Yuki." They sneered in unison.((When they speak together it will be in bold letters.)) I shrugged and was about to sit on the abandoned couch when the hook their arms with mine and lead me to a make-up table, thingy. "This will not do." "Just let us fix it." They commanded. They tore my hair out of the elastic and let my hair fall down around my face and shoulders. My hair was extremely long, to my mid-back maybe. They smiled and combed it out then sprayed something in it then spun the chair around and tilted it so I would fall. I didn't have time to react and fell right on to the ground. I growled at them as I got up and brushed the dirt off my skirt. "Screw you guys." I muttered as I went to sit down. I sat on the couch next to Honey and tried to block out their laughter. "It wasn't that funny you bakas!" I yelled at them before going to take out my book. Honey however, grabbed my hand and prevented me from grabbing it. "Why do you read so much Yuka-chan?" Honey asked me sweetly. I looked at him and giggled. I smiled and poked his nose. "Because there are more boys like you and less like those nasty twins." I said a giggle as I ruffled is hair. He smiled widely and gave me a piece of cake which meant he was satisfied with my answer. I heard a deep, quiet chuckle and I looked to my left to see Mori. I didn't even notice him sit down! He was looking at me and continued chuckling. He put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair as I had previously done to Honey. "Mori-senpai?" I asked. He stopped chuckling and his face became emotionless, but his eyes were alive with energy. "Call me Takashi." He replied before tending to Honey. I smiled a bit and ate my bento, sliding the cake away ever so slightly so Honey would think it was his. I wanted to read, but figured someone would stop me again. I looked around the room and took in it's features. There were couches and tables everywhere. Did the Host Club ever get this full? I saw Kyoya to the side on his laptop and decided to speak with him. I got up and walked to his table before sitting across from him. "Where does the Host Club get it's finances Kyoya-kun?" I asked with my head resting on my hands. He looked up at me through his eyelashes briefly before returning his attention to the computer screen. "We have a sort of point system. We sell things that could be of value to our guest. Currently, we are selling picture books. I could give a discount on the whole set if your interested." He said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. I blushed slightly. Picture book. I smiled. "Are you just trying to get me to pay you sense I come in here when it's closed? That's a bit selfish Kyoya-kun." I said with a teasing look on his face. His glasses flashed and he smiled creepily at me. "Well, I could always charge you for being in here at a time like this. There are many girls who would like to be in your situation Miss Akahisa." I frowned and glared at him again. Will he never learn. "That reminds me. Why do you even let me in here?" I asked while I knitted my eyebrows together. "Why do you want to be here, Miss Akahisa?" He replied without even looking at me. "Kyoya-kun? Do you need another worker? I could help clean up, I mean I do anyways. I could chat up each host to the girls. I mean if I'm always here I might as well do something." I said while smiling at him. "I don't know if th-" "So it's settled, I am the newest member of the Ouran Host Club!" I said excitedly before Kyoya could turn me down. I smiled and got up, skipping back over to Honey's table.


So, I realize this is a short chapter, but I like it. If you have any suggestions or comments I'd love to hear them! Thanks a bundle for taking the time to read this!

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