I don't care

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y/n POV

I'm currently a junior in high school and so is my boyfriend Bronny James. We've been dating for about 8 months and I can say that I really love him from a stand point and I'm pretty sure well I hope he feels the same.. I'm on my way to class late (again) because my best friend always drags me along everywhere making us late lol. 

Bronny's POV

             I'm sitting in biology class looking for my y/n . Where is she? y/n aren't in all the same classes expect biology and Spanish so this is kind of like the only time we really get to spend time together in school (besides basketball because we practice a lot together) I'm sitting with my other table mates Amari, McKenzie, and Tiffany. See I've been keeping a lot of secrets.. I've been attracted a lot to Tiffany cause she's really prettier (than y/n not gonna lie..) I mess with her on the low a lot when y/n isn't face timing me I'm most likely on the phone with her. I feel bad in my gut, this isn't right but I don't wanna mess with y/n especially all that we've been through I love her. but I'm not IN love with her anymore.. It's hard to explain.

I was walking in the hallways with one of my good friends Brandon.. "Dude this isn't right you can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. Can I trust you?" I looked at him "Of course dude why not you can tell me." I took a deep breath "I don't like y/n anymore. And I- I just don't love anymore I love Tiffany and I just don't know how to tell her. Should I make an excuse and break up with her just cut her off omg dude this is killing me inside WHAT SHOULD I DO." Talking rapidly with anxiety. Brandon looked at me wide eyes open "Woah. You've guys been dating for 8 months? You don't like her anymore? You shouldn't hide the truth from her tell her the truth she deserves don't hold back your feelings.. I've gotta get to class I'll see you later..." I deep breathed hopefully Brandon was right. I heard foot steps behind me when I turned around they were gone. I shuddered my shoulders.

Hint hint wink wink the person listening to Brandon and Bronny's conversation was McKenzie ! She is y/n best friend and will be a useful character in this imagine in the future !

y/n's POV

It was last period and I was on my way to my locker. I heard footsteps running up  behind me "y/n ! y/n ! You won't believe this I-" She was out of breathe "wooooahhh girl slow down! What are you in the rush for what's going on?" she relaxes for a while then starts speaking.. she starts telling me everything she heard with Brandon and Bronny's conversation. I was speechless, I started to tear up cause I believed her and I truly believed that Kenzie wouldn't lie to me "I'm so hurt why would he do this to me..." I ran to the bathroom and cried McKenzie came to comfort me but it wasn't enough after I cleaned myself up we went to the gym where we were having basketball practice. Bronny came up to give me a hug and I walked right past him. He called my name.. "Princess?" damn. I had to keep pushing I ignored him throughout all practice and he gave me confused looks. It's like he has no idea what he know what he did. It's disgusting.

I was getting a drink of water getting ready to fill up my water bottle. Bronny walked out the door I looked at him and went back to what I was doing. "Why are you ignoring me?" He grabbed my arm. Don't cry don't cry don't cry. I teared up and had a meltdown. "Bronny why would you do this to me?" Sobbing and sobbing "All this time or just recently you had feelings for Tiffany. YOUR SUCH A JERK." Bronny's face went stone cold. "I can explain I swear I was meaning to-" I cut him off "NO. Don't talk to me ever again! Be with Tiffany if that's who you want so bad.." I grabbed my bottle and my bag and walked out the school sobbing in tears.

(I'd be so happy it if you guys vote on this chapter!!) Comment down or dm me what type of request you guys want and what you want them to be about !!

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