Under The Moonlight ~ Chapter 12

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Y/n's pov

Maya came in about half an hour later.

"Sorry to keep you both waiting" She apologized

"I have something important to tell you guys, very important"she continued

"Okay... What is it? " I asked

"This kingdom has changed a lot since you left y/n. The King and Queen has bought a lot of luxurious items and goods to spend on themselves using our taxes. " She explain

Both Zen and I stayed quiet, signaling her to continue

"The tax in this kingdom just keep on increasing. And trust me a lot of the people here are starving. We tried to changed things but we all ended up failing. " Maya said

"So Zen, I assume you are a prince right? " Maya asked

"Yes I am" Zen replied

"You should get out of this place, those royals are probably trying to marry you to their daughter. She's spoiled and just overall a bad person. " Maya said

"Didn't you say they invited you to have dinner with them Zen? " I asked him

"Yes... But the princess's behavior is kind of strange. She's very.... What's the word... flirty? "Zen said

"If I'm not mistaken you're the prince of the Clarines Kingdom right? " Maya asked

Zen nodded

"Clarines is a very prosperous country, of course the would try to marry their daughter to one of the possible heir to the throne" Maya said

"Ah that's right, you have an older brother " I mumbled to myself

"How do you know that? " Zen asked

"Shirayuki told me"

"Anyway, you both should leave this place immediately. The Prince's wife was actually kidnapped and forced to marry him. If these people want something they will get it. " Maya said

"She's right Zen, you should leave. If things are this bad, who knows what'll happen next. " I said

"But I can't just leave Kiki Mitsuhide and the other guards here. "Zen said

" Write a letter to one of them, I'll try my best to deliver it. "Maya said

" You should go with him too y/n. I'll try to visit Clarines soon to meet up with you. Besides I don't think your boyfriend knows his way to get back home. " Maya said while smirking

"Boy friend? " Zen asked

I was blushing so hard

"Anyway come on Zen you should start writing that letter!! " I changed the subject.

Time skip~

Some royal guards cane to Maya's house earlier. Looking for Zen.

Wth she's actually right about the Royal Family being nuts.

It was 5pm

Zen and I managed to get out of the kingdom.

I have to leave my horse though.

Sorry Kiki...

After two hours of walking in the forest.

We decided that, it's too dark to continue any further.

While looking for a place to rest, I saw a cliff

I walked over to the edge and saw a beautiful view of the ocean.

The moon is full tonight.

I sat down, and Zen too.

We enjoyed the cool night breeze.

"Hey Zen, I'm really glad that I met you. " I said

"Me too."

We stayed silent again

Zen suddenly pulled me closer to him.

I smiled and rested my head on his chest.

My heart was pounding

But I didn't care.

I fell asleep in his arm.

For some reason i really felt happy.

Zen's pov

Y/n is asleep.

She looks so cute.

This has been quite a day huh?

I hugged y/n closer and closed my eyes.

This has to be one of the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I thought before I dozed off.

End of chapter

Sorry if this is a little short.

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