Chapter 7 - Teamwork

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Chapter 7 - Teamwork

        I saw Himitsu leave and I called out to her, starting to run after her.

        “Good,” I heard Kakashi-sensei say. “You’re each unique , and you have your own ideas. We have our first mission tomorrow.”

        “How could you say something like that! Himitsu just decided to leave, and you’re just sitting there like nothing happened!” I yelled.

        “Calm down, Naruto!” Sakura said as she hit me on the head.

        “Sakura!” I whined, but then turned serious. “If Himitsu thinks she isn’t worthy enough to be a ninja,” I say, taking off my headband with a pained expression on my face, “Then that means I definitely don’t deserve to be a ninja! You never leave a friend behind, and that’s all that she’s been to me! Believe it!”

        “Naruto, calm down,” Kakashi-sensei said. 

        “And leave my friend behind? No way!” I said, standing up.

        “Naruto’s right!” Sakura said, standing up too. I smiled at her. “You don’t leave a friend behind.”

        We both threw off our headbands. “If being a ninja means abandoning a friend, then I’ll never become a ninja, believe it!” I said. “Even if that means not becoming Hokage.”

        “I know you can’t hear me right now Himitsu, but I’m sorry.” Sakura said, tears forming in her eyes. “I take it back. Himitsu, I don’t hate you. You’re a good person!” Of course, her words fell on deaf ears. 

        “Well. If you really don’t want to be a ninja, then you can leave,” Kakashi-sensei said. “What about you, Sasuke?”

        “I don’t care if they leave, it’s better for me.” Sasuke replied, his tone cold. 

        Kakashi-sensei shook his head at him. 

        “How could you treat a friend like that?” I shouted at him.

        “She is not my friend,” Sasuke replied, glaring at me.

        “Sasuke, stop it!” Sakura yelled, looking pained.

        Sakura ran away. I followed her. I cast one last mean glare at Sasuke and ran after Sakura.

        “Sakura! Wait!” I yelled, catching up to her. “Let’s go look for Himitsu.”

        “Yeah,” Sakura said.

        She told me where her apartment was when we were fighting Mizuki, so I led the way. “It’s right there!” I exclaimed.

        We held in our breath as Sakura knocked on the door. “Enter,” a muffled noise that had to be Himitsu, said. “Oh. Hi Naruto, wait, what’s she doing here?”

        Sakura and I winced. “I’m sorry Himitsu, I really don’t hate you.”

        “Thanks, but there’s always gonna be someone out there who thinks hate is the only way to live, ya know. I appreciate your concern, but it doesn’t help.”

        “We quit being ninja,” I said quietly.

        All color drained from from her face, making her as pale as paper. “You did what?”

        “We–” I almost finished

        “You did what? I never wanted you guys to risk your dream! This is my problem, ya know! Let me take responsibility for my own dream! It’s not like it’s anything new, I mean, you didn’t even notice me until I saved your life. Sakura, you didn’t care at all! So go on and get your headbands back and leave me alone!” she practically screamed at us. 

        “And who’s fault is that?”

        “What are you talking about, Naruto?”

        “Yeah, what do you mean?” Sakura asked.

        “You didn’t even try to be acknowledged! You keep talking about how no one’s your friend, well guess what? You’re the one who’s isolating yourself from everyone! You don’t ask for help at all, so what do you think will happen, everything will fall into place? No! So preach about how you’ll bring peace, and then completely isolate yourself! At the end of the day, all your pain is self inflicted. Get over it!”

        Dead silence. There was nothing more to say. “You’re right. I’m just acting like some damsel in a sob story. I guess that’s just one of my big flaws. So, what are we gonna do now?”

        I smiled at them both, “Well , I don’t know about you, but I’m getting my headband back, believe it!”


        I sighed, as I watched my two students renounce their rank as a ninja. “Well, what about you?” I said, quirking an eyebrow at Sasuke. 

        “I don’t care. It’s better for me that they’re gone. Now they can’t hold me back. I sighed at him. “However, if those three decide to become ninja again, I’ll vouch for them on their behalf.” 

        If there was one thing I knew, it was that Sasuke did not care for anyone but himself. He changed, and whatever caused him too, I must thank.

        “Hey!” Naruto said, running back with Sakura and Himitsu in toe. “We want to be ninja again, Kakashi-sensei!”

        “Ya know, he can’t make us ninja again! We have to have a voucher,” Himitsu scolded Naruto. 

        I closed my eye in a one eyed smile. “Then it’s a good thing that we have one then, isn’t it Sasuke?” I said.

        He only rolled his eyes. “Teme? Why would he do something like that?” Naruto asked.

        “Because, underneath his cold exterior, he’s got a big heart!” Himitsu giggled. Sasuke simply scoffed. Himitsu pulled Naruto and Sakura in for a hug, and then pointedly glared at me and Sasuke. With a heavy sigh, we both joined in the group hug. Her eyes were different, more vibrant, and had life in them. She almost looked like Kimura. 

        We all separated. “Okay. We’re going to have our first mission tomorrow. Meet me at the mission desk at seven o’clock sharp don’t be late,” I told them, disappearing in a cloud of smoke. Obito, Rin, I didn’t even have to give them the test, they would never leave a comrade behind. What would you think of them?

Author's Note - Sorry for the long wait! I know it's kinda a short chapter, but it's a very important. Yes! I'm doing something that no writer's done before! Ignoring the bell test! Anyways, coments, votes, reviews are all loved. Hope you enjoyed! Peace! Harmony out!

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