bobo sleeps with jack

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"sorry spookley i'm busy tonight." bobo said, sounding guilty. but spookley loved her too much to point it out "okay..." 🥺🥺🥺 spookley sighed.

later that night

"jAAAACK" bobo exclaimed, falling off the bed and rolling on the floor.

"oh sorry" jack said, then picks bobo back up.

but just as they were about to get going again, spookley bursted through the door.

"BOBO!!!!!" spookley said, obviously hurt. "i thought we had something..."

"w-we we do it's j-just..." bobo got up. "you're square....and it's hard...i mean sure you saved me that one time but..." 🥱🥱

"your just so slow" jack said, kissing bobo. " i'm fast, isn't that right bobo?" he asked.

" oh yes" bobo moaned. "spookley please leave it's about to get h o t" 🥵🥵

"hold on..." spookley said...

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