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Tyler then immediately covered Dallon's mouth with a piece of cloth while he waited for him to pass out. After a couple of seconds, Dallon's body gone limp as the sign he is asleep.

Tyler dragged him to his room and tossed him down the bed. Josh on the other hand, watched everything that happened to his friend. It was horrible for him to see other people suffer the same fate as his friends but this felt worse.

The tugging thoughts of Josh's mind to save everyone came but only faded as he remembered what happened when he tried once, and will only be once.

"Help me here?" Tyler snapped Josh out of his thoughts.

"Oh yeah, sorry," Josh mumbled quietly and helped Tyler set up their next plan.

They got all the stuff they need. Water, small cloth and the amount of acting they will need to produce. Ryan was not easy to trick, but this may get the cat in the bag.

After setting everything up, they called Ryan for 'help'.

"Ry! Help!" Josh shouted with his 'worried' voice.

Ryan got off his bed quickly and went to where the sound was coming from. It turned out to be Dallon's bedroom and he quickly rushed in.

"What happened?"

"Dallon passed out of nowhere, I don't know why." Tyler answered.

Ryan looked at both of them just to see Josh mouthing something.

"What?" He asked.

"Huh? Anything wrong?" Tyler looked at Josh with wide eyes.

"I didn't say anything."

"Well, you two can go back, I can take care of this giraffe."

"Are you sure you want to join him?" Tyler prepared the cloth behind him and gave it to Josh.

"Want to join him? What are you talk-"

Josh then grabbed Ryan and put the soaked cloth all over his nose and mouth. It was only a couple of seconds until Ryan's body limped.  

"We now need to bring them." Josh sighed and carried the bodies on to the car with the luck of nobody seeing them.

They placed them in the back seat and put a bag over their head. Tyler then proceeded to call 'the boss' and report that they have done the job.

"We have done what you asked."

"Good. Now bring them to the usual, make sure they stay asleep."


The person hang up while Tyler and drove off with Josh monitoring the back seat.

"Why do we have to do this." Tyler sighed. "Before we had to only worry about our music,friends and families. I don't want to live like this."

Josh replied. "I wish we could try again to escape. But obviously, no."

"Maybe these little idiots may help us." Tyler smirked. "If they even forgive our shit."

"We can just hope."

They arrive to the usual spot or as the duo called Balloon drop-off. It was mostly because of Tyler's hate of balloons and the place is shaped like a balloon.

They removed Dallon and Ryan from the seats and carried them for the person. After several stops and pants, they finally saw who they where looking for and carefully plopped their friends to the ground.

"Good. Now you can leave."

"But how about them? What will happen to them?" Josh shouted.

"Oh it's always you isn't it. Josh. Don't worry about them. I will take care of it."

"Why are you doing this?"

"None of your fucking business." The person scowled. "Now go."

"What, more secrets from us Howell?"

"How did you know-"

"We are not as dumb as you think. You work for another person. The reason you do this because-"

"Shut. Up! I don't need you jerks to tell that story again. If she's gone, she's gone. Now go. I don't want to call someone to do it again."

"What it?"

"You know what I mean."

Tyler and Josh flinched and went back to their car. They then went to Taco Bell to be normal once in a while, meeting some fans along the way.

"I wish it's just like this."


Hi! I'm back!(Just for now) I know I said that I will be updating till 2020 but I had some time to write this chapter. I decided to publish this because I don't really just want to leave it sitting till next year so yea. So, I guess enjoy Josh and Tyler going to Taco Bell! Thank you for reading!


Absinthe | IDKHow Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant