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It was the next day, Tyler and Josh were coming to see their other friends which were Ryan and Dallon.

Tyler and Josh are also musicians and have a band called Twenty One Pilots. It was often made fun of why there is only two of them from what their band name was, and it was mostly just fun and jokes that their fans made.

They were excited as all of them meeting together was usually very eventful and fun.

Dallon prepared few drinks and snacks to eat, while Ryan organised things that they could all do.

While doing so, Dallon received a message from Josh which stated that they are going to arrive in at least 30 minutes and Dallon replied back to him.

"Ry, they are going to arrive in 30 minutes, be ready," Dallon said to him.

Ryan walked to the couch and opened his phone. "Oh ok, I'll just chill down till they come here."

After waiting for several minutes, Dallon and Ryan heard a knock through the door. Ryan turned off his phone and organised himself quickly while Dallon dashes to the door.

"Sup peeps, long time no see!" Josh greeted happily. All of them then went in the cozy apartment.

"So, how is the trip?" Ryan asked, with a smile across his face.

"Oh good, it was pretty exhausting though," Tyler said giving off a strange vibe that the others didn't notice.

"Oh, do you want me to show you your room?" Dallon gestured to their door and smiled. "We can eat and chat later."

"Oh no! It's fine, I'm pretty hungry," Tyler immediately answered leaving Dallon confused.

"Well, let's eat!" Dallon said.

They walked to the table happily and sat down the chairs. They all then started talking about how the have been doing and things such as music, new experiences and weirdly enough, tacos.

They all laughed and smiled to each other others stories while they also got serious and invested in some other topics.

All of them have then successfully finished the food in front of them and decided to let Tyler and Josh rest from the traveling they have done the while day.

The two visitors went into their room to rest after the long travelling. Later on, shouts can be heard from the room which lead to Dallon and Ryan being worried.

Dallon flinched as he heard Josh scream and slowly knocked.

"Hey, what is happening there? Everything alright?" Dallon asked.

He then saw the door open slowly with Tyler in front of him. "Don't worry, we were just arguing about games. Nothing to worry about."

"Oh, sorry for disrupting."

"Oh no! We should have screamed at each other less," Tyler laughed. "We were being children."

Dallon laughed along. "Um, I guess to talk to you later and if you two need us, don't hesitate." He smiled.

"No problem! Thanks!" Tyler then shut the door slowly.

Before Dallon went on with his own way, he heard hushed down whispered and decided to stick a little bit around.

Dallon pretended to walk away and the hushed voices turned louder.

"Josh! We could have been caught!"

"We don't have to do this Tyler! They are our friends! They need to know!"

"Then we would be damn killed. We can't do anything."

"Yes we can! Both of them are smart people, they can help Tyler, help!"

Dallon looked confused and slowly walked away from the door without getting heard. Many thoughts rushed into his mind from the conversation he just heard. He must tell Ryan.

He went to Ryan's room and closed the door immediately.

"What the hell-"

"Ryan, listen to me. Tyler and Josh are hiding something."

"What do you mean?" Ryan looked up at Dallon like he was crazy.

"I overheard their conversation. Apparently they would get killed!"

"I thought they were just playing a game when you asked? Are they not?"

"I don't know." Dallon admitted and looked down.

"Look, I'm just watching videos here. One of the stuff said here is to relax. You should too."

"Thanks. I'm just worried. They are our friends after all."

"Good. Now go do things that can make you take your mind of it." Ryan smiled and Dallon left his room.

He walked down the hallway as he heard someone following him. He kept walking to his room until he was greeted with a smiling Tyler and Josh that is looking to the ground, sadness on his eyes.

"You think we didn't know you were eavesdropping our important conversation? Think again."


This is longer than my other others ones which is epicc. Also epicly thanks for voting or just reading in general! It may not so much for some people but for me it's quite a lot! It motivates me to write these stories more so yea! Very epic, but of course,

Thanks for reading!


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