Chapter Forty-Two

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There was no time to act rationally or to take in outside opinions.

She'd done nothing during her stay. Simply existed as a science experiment in a world that confused her no matter how many times rationale took over.

It was time to say goodbye. Forever.

To whomever may come across this first, I am leaving. By the time you have read this, I will already be back home. The environment politely catered to me was lovely and I appreciate all of the work and thought that went into the relationships and knowledge created, however, there is no place for me here. I am better off at home. In the safety of a dry, dead planet which may seem unreasonable, but I'm sure you can understand my desire to go back home. I have spent too many nights now wondering why things happened the way that they did. While you believe I have saved the cosmos and I must learn to quit questioning most things, I cannot. It is in my nature to do so. I fear if I do not return home, the questioning will only get worse and I will neglect to respect and comprehend your kindness and protection for me. And while I am grateful, I can't do it anymore. You all have given me many things to think about, but I cannot stay. This is not me. 
Thank you. For everything.

—Yours truly,

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