Chapter 8

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I miss u

I miss u

I miss u

I miss u


Pick you up at the airport?



look for the guy in platform converse ;)


Can’t wait :)


            Connor hoped it wouldn’t be weird now, them being together. They were. . . . . dating? Something like that. It didn’t really matter. He wasn’t planning on seeing anyone else, and they weren’t even out together publicly yet. But Connor was still unbearably excited to see Troye. He hadn’t been able to keep him off his mind, even with the near constant texting and late night skyping that had to be at an unreasonable hour in someone’s timezone. The only time he wasn’t actively obsessing about it was when he volunteered with the children in Swaziland. It reminded him that his problems were nothing compared to the struggles some people faced. He couldn’t wait to share the experience with Troye.

            A girl with black hair interrupted his thoughts. “Um, sorry, are you Connor Franta?”

            “I seriously hope so. He’s my ride.” Troye grinned, appearing out of nowhere and casually leaning on the shorter boy.

            “Oh my god. Can I get a picture with you two? I can’t believe you’re in Johannesburg!” The boys happily obliged, wordlessly agreeing to delay their full reactions to each other until they were safely out of sight.

            “I love seeing fans.” Connor admitted after she’d left.

            Troye believed it. Connor was never one to get annoyed with fans or ungrateful, even for a second. It was insanely attractive. Troye reached to lug his bag up, but Connor had already lifted it, effortlessly, as if Troye hadn’t regressed to dragging it behind him after minutes of carrying it.

            “What’s that?” Connor gestured towards a plastic shopping bag in Troye’s hand.

            “I stopped for some stuff at the duty-free shop. I might have gotten you a present.”

            “What? Let me see!” Connor reached out but Troye pulled the bag away.

            “Uh-uh, it’s a surprise Con.” The younger one giggled at Connor’s pouty face.

            “Aw, don’t do that. It’s too cute.”

            Connor just laughed. They walked for a few minutes, talking about they’re respective projects. Troye gushed about Crown and Connor’s charity work, and they both discussed what was going to happen at Playlist, and how excited they were to see some people.

            “You’re coming to the premiere, right?” Troye asked.

            “I wouldn’t miss it Tro.”

            “Good. I’ll need a date.” Troye said in an overly suggestive voice, causing both boys to laugh a little too hard.

            Troye abruptly stopped walking. Connor gave him a confused look, but saw the point. They were in an alcove of sorts, with no people around for a good distance. They awkwardly stood for a second, neither one wanting to say anything, before Troye loudly announced “Fuck it” and stepped into the other’s arms, pressing their lips together. For a moment it was like time had stopped and they weren’t in a dusty corner of an airport, jetlagged, with harsh fluorescent lighting glaring down. But reality came back too quickly after hearing footsteps down the hallway. Troye snuck a glance at Connor, hoping he wasn’t blushing too badly, and touched a hand to his lips.


The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

of course he picked him up the airport :)

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