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Name: Victor Vincent Fuentes
Age: 17
Victor is anything but unknown. Rather it's for his popularity at school. Or for his dangerous actions out of school. Vic and his friends are some of the most dangerous people that live in San Diego. He's seen more blood than the homicide detectives that are looking for his gang. There are many people that fear him except for the one person that he wants to fear him. Vic will stop at nothing to destroy his enemies, and he always gets what he wants. But what happens when the two are mixed into one?

Name: Kellin Quinn Bostwick
Age: 17
Kellin is unknown to the people at his school. But he isn't unknown to the streets of San Diego. Kellin is classified on the FBI's  most wanted list. He lives in the shadows but everyone seems to know who his is. In school Kellin is the quiet little nerd that no one messes with. Why?  Because of the people he hangs around. His friends are feared just as much as Vic is, because of the gang they're in. No one knows Kel is the leader and he wants to keep it that way. That is until be crosses the path of the Notorious Victor Vincent Fuentes.

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