"How would you even know that I can't or can?"

"Kitty, I know everything about you."

"Oh. That's right. I forgot about that." He poked his chin again and looked up, scratching his chin and smiling.

"Silly cat," she laughed and leaned against him, looking up at him as he looked down at her. She unhooked her hand from his arm and intertwined her fingers with his, holding both of his hands now. She took a step back and looked over her shoulder, looking back at the gazebo.

"So, what are we doing out here anyways?" She looked back at Chat and was surprised with him being very close to her and putting his lips on hers. She fluttered her eyes closed and kissed back with a sweet kiss, until he pulled away and twirled her around. His back was now facing the gazebo, and he walked backwards, holding both of her hands, and walked into the gazebo.

"To dance," he smiled, "obviously." His smile turned into a smirk and he wiggled his brows. She giggled, with eyes dazed because of the kiss, and followed him into the gazebo.

His hands left hers and rested on her waist, pulling her closer as she brought her arms to his shoulders and rested her hands against his neck. Chat looked into her eyes as she did and they began to dance in a rhythmic movement. They could still hear distant music coming from inside the school, it being a slow song with a wonderful guitar being played.

They moved in sync with each other, as if they already knew where the other was going to move. The entire time they just gazed into each other's eyes and looked flustered. Marinette at times would get really flustered and would look down as she smiled goofily at his chest.

Placing her head on his chest, she sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tightly as he warmed her up. Chat rested his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes as he brushed his hands from her waist to the small of her back, holding her closer to him. Seeming as this situation was somewhat familiar, the two of them being in a gazebo and dancing on a prom night, brought a thought to his mind. He chuckled.

"What?" Marinette questioned, feeling his chest vibrate with his laugh. He hummed and opened his eyes slightly.

"Doesn't this remind you of something?"

"Like what?"

At that moment, the slow song ended, but the two of them continued to dance and hold onto each other under the moonlight and fairy lights.

"Like a movie?"

Marinette's face scrunched up in confusion and she lifted her head off his chest. She looked up at him as he looked down at her. "Huh?"

"Come on. Think about it."

She looked to the side and at the ground. This did seem familiar. Very familiar, actually. She's probably seen the movie a couple times in the past with her mother, Sabine. She remembers that the movie, or more like movies, had a guy that she was crushing on during the duration of the series of movies. A very cute guy from England, if she could recall, and a very cute tan guy.

Weren't their names Edward and Jacob? She thought.

Then, it dawned on her.

She smiled and chuckled, looking back at him. He smiled widely, raising his brows into his forehead and going "uh-huh", which made her laugh. Marinette nodded her head and raised her brows as well.

"Twilight? You're talking about twilight, aren't you?" She said, while internally laughing.

"Yep," Chat said highly, popping the P with his lips. She released her laugh.

"You are a dork!"

Chat's face contoured into a wide open mouth and brows knitted together. "Who are you called a dork?"

"You!" She gave him a sideways glance. "I can't believe you watched twilight!"

"Hey! I enjoy movies about vampires and werewolves! What can I say?" He closed his eyes and tried to hide his smile.

"Okay. I get that." She nodded. "But twilight? Seriously? That's filled with cheesiness and so much lusty romance!"

"So?" Chat said, putting his hands back on her waist and opening his eyes. "I like the movie. Plus, I thought Bella was cute."

Marinette shook her head. "Still. I never thought you'd be one to like movies like that.............. Actually never mind. You would like movies like that. Oh my..." Chat chuckled and smiled down at her. Marinette smiled back as she giggled.

Suddenly, Chat pulled her closer, to the point where his forehead rested against hers and his lips were close to his. His hands slid down to her hips and he gently gripped them, his clawed fingers scratching her black skirt slightly. Marinette's cheeks burned a bright pink and her eyes fluttered as she felt his hot breathe graze her lips, wanting his lips to touch hers. His right hand brushed up the side of her body to cup her cheek. Marinette's hands slid to his shoulders, gripping them slightly.

"Marinette.." he whispered, making her shiver as his hot breathe heated her face and flowed down to her neck.


Oooo~ I wonder what will happen next?


Fun fact about me: I know Japanese 😋

..........okay bye bye now

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