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Natalie's POV:

It was 2 pm now and I have been out doing errands for the past 2 hours. We had just got back from our week-long trip in Chicago, and we didn't much work when we were over there. So everything got backed up a week and now I have to get it done within 2 days. I've knocked half of it out already, and only half the day has gone by so I'm not too stressed anymore. After grabbing a bit to eat, I head home. On the way home I start listening to "Bad At Love" by Halsey and within a second my car turns into a singing booth. Ever since Halsey came out, I have always enjoyed her music. I arrive home within 20minutes, which gets me halfway through the album. I turn the car off and head towards the garage door being that the garage is already open and my room is right to the left when coming from the garage. But before I get to the garage door to walk inside I hear yelling, and it's passionate yelling. Not the normal video yelling that happens when filming bits within the house. I slowly open the garage door, not trying to let anyone I've arrived and not trying to disrupt the argument just yet. 

"I know what are doing! Yells Jeff. "What am I doing Jeff? Explain it to me" says David. "You're trying to buy Natalie's love," says Jeff. This caught me off guard. David doesn't even like me and he wouldn't stoop that low to buy someone's love. He is not that kind of guy at all. "Now you sound ridiculous," says David. "Do I? You bought her two cars with your brand-deals. You allow her to use your credit card for purchases. You pay her an assistant salary higher than the norm." Says Jeff confidently. "I pay her higher than the typical assistant because she's not just an assistant. She's my best friend that I have known for 12 years, who I asked to drop everything she had in Chicago and come help me. So yeah Jeff, I'm going to pay her a little more than the typical salary. She's my best friend, I don't mind when she uses my credit card. It's not like she's spending thousands of dollars, plus the majority of it is tax-deductible anyway. Now with the cars, she deserved both of them with how hard she works. She refuses to make a youtube channel and capitalize on her newfound fame. Instead, she works hard here to help me, goes above and beyond what I ask her, and let's my best friend of 12 years. So those gifts are gifts to someone I care about and will care about forever. There is no contract with those gifts. If she would choose to leave her job now, she would get to keep those cars" says David calmly. My heart filled up with the way he spoke about me, it shows me how much he truly cares for me. "Yeah yeah whatever, you didn't deny that you like her though," says Jeff. "Jeff, whether I like her or not, it is none of your business," says David. "Actually it is my business since I'm going after her, I need to know who my competition is," says Jeff. "I don't think Natalie would like a guy who thinks that she can be bought. She is not that type of girl. You even assuming that is a hit at her character/morals that frankly I don't appreciate. In fact, why don't you just go home, rather not you be here when she arrives home" David says to Jeff. As David said, I waited for 8 seconds before entering, so people would think I just arrived. Had I immediately came out as he said that, it would've seemed as if I was listening to the conversation. As I walk in, I head to David's room to see how it is, not in regards to the argument, just in general. 

"Hey Dave" I say walking into his room. "Hey nat, how you feeling? You've been gone for a while" says David while shifting into a more comfortable position in his bed. I guess he was standing or at least sitting up when talking to Jeff. "Oh, I'm fine, it took a couple of hours to catch up on all the work from the past week, but the majority of it's done," I say as I lie down on the love sac. "That's why you're the best, getting a week's worth of work done in a couple of hours. Thank you for doing that" David says while smiling at me. "No problem, anything for you," I say with a smile back. "Hey, what do you want to eat tonight?" Asks David. "It's only 4 pm David, why are you asking me this early?" I ask. "Well I kinda wanted to try and cook something for you today instead of ordering out like we always do," he says. "You cook? Haha, nice one" I say while laughing. "I know I know, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Who knows I might make a dish that becomes your new favorite" he says. "Well I'm actually craving Italian, so any kind of pasta dish if that's ok with you," I say. "That's perfect, I'll make chicken Alfredo tonight after I'm done editing the vlog," he says. "Ooooooo, I can't wait. Well, I'm going to clean up the house a bit and then probably just respond to emails till then" I say as I walk out the room.

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