Being the neglected and despised daughter of the Alpha and Luna of the Blood Moon Pack was hard. Her parents cared nothing for her and showed it daily for as long as she could remember. They didn't even care about the wellbeing of their pack. Only for themselves. Their hatred towards her stemmed only from the fact that she was born a female instead of a male. Her fathers hatred towards her and need to become the most feared Alpha, although he was far from it, and her mothers excuse being she caused her mate to hate and loathe her losing his love. Katrina always made her feel as though what her father did to her was her fault and that she deserved everything that she received.

Looking up to the sky Willow watched as the sun and the clouds played hide and seek. She wished to be as carefree as they were and longed for that freedom. Her fathers last words started seeping into her thoughts and although she tried not to dwell on them, she found it next to impossible. His malicious laugh replaying in her head caused the hairs on her arms to stand on end. Closing her eyes, she counted down the hours until her 18th birthday. "Soon" she thought "soon. Only 24 more hours and I will be free!" Once she turned 18, she had the right to choose to stay or leave her pack. Her answer was easy, but the way out was not as she technically had to have her fathers permission first.

Looking back to the sky she waited patiently for the sun to set. Her father and what remained of the pack would soon be off on another reckless and stupid siege of another pack. Once he was gone, she would be safe to return to her room, where she knew Tilly would be waiting worried sick. Things would be so different if she was the Alpha or Luna of this pack. Sadly, she also knew those thoughts were meaningless. Her parents would see her dead before they let her take over. Her focus now should and will be how to get out of here alive.

Stepping into the role of Alpha was not easy for Christopher. He received his new title bearing great sadness and pride. His father had trained him well on how to lead the pack but at that very moment he wished he never had to remember all his teachings. He wished more than anything that his father was still here to walk this path beside him and to help guide him. His father commanded respect but also gave it. He was a fair, levelheaded leader that was loved by all and would do anything to ensure their safety ending with the loss of his life.

Looking out the window of his fathers, well now his new office, he was thinking back to when it all happened. The shift in leadership and demise of their beloved Alpha was felt by all. The exact moment his father lost his life his heart shattered, and power overwhelmed him. His world became black, and he couldn't remember much of what happened after besides what he had been told. Leo told him that he went on a rampage and took out any Blood Moon he encountered. Taking one down after another like they weighed nothing more than a feather. He was merciless and vile in his attacks and didn't stop until they retreated.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose he started to think back to the last real conversation he had with his father that day.

"Dad c'mon you don't need to go. We can handle the morons ourselves. Doc said you need to rest and let your wounds heal."

"Come now Christopher. Don't fret over me like a mother hen. Do you really think a few cuts and scrapes are going to slow me down son? Don't give me that look. I am fine. Its time those bastard blood moons learn their place in the order of things. And attacking my pack and family will not go unpunished."

"They are more than just cuts and scrapes dad and you know it. I know that you are healing fast but that last bite was exceptionally deep. Doc had to stich you up."

Holding up his hand to stop his son from talking he gently placed it on his shoulder and drew him in for a hug. "Son you worry too much. I am fine honestly. I am just ready for this sad excuse of an alpha to leave us alone and realize he will not and can't win. Even with his cheap shots and cheating ways. They need to learn who they are truly messing with."

Pulling back Chris gave his dad a half-hearted smile. He knew his father was tough but could not help the nagging feeling that something bad was going to happen. "I love you dad! If you're sure you are ready, then I will stand by you 100%. Let us show these dogs who they are truly messing with!"

"I love you to son. Let's get this over with. Athena has been baking all day and I can't wait to come home and see what goodies she has whipped up." Holding his hand out and motioning towards the door, "After you."

Snapping back to reality Christopher wiped a silent tear from his cheek. There were so many things he wished he had changed about that day but knew there was no going back. What was done was done and his father was gone. Every time that realization hit him his hatred for the Blood Moon Pack grew. He hated them all and couldn't wait to send them to the pits of hell for sending his father to an early grave. For hurting him and his pack in such a way that it would take a long time to heal. He swore that he would get revenge for his father and his pack no matter how long it took. Those bastards would pay if it were the last thing that he did.


Hello Everyone! New readers and those who have read my book in the past. I have been working on editing it and I am going to start to upload each chapter as I finish them. I loved my book from the start but as I re-read what I have written I feel like I could beef it up some. Add more details in places. Retell certain things. So that is what I am doing.

I know you read this on every story but if you could please comment, like, and share it I would appreciate it. If you would like to help me by reading my edits before they are posted drop a comment on my wall or if you would like to read the original that was posted (Yes I have a copy of both) just let me know so you can compare.

Anyways enough chit-chat. What do you think of our Prelude (previously chapter 1)?

How do you think these 2 characters will come together?

Let me know your thoughts and feelings! Much love to all of you! Until next time.

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