The Plan

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Omg it has been over a month since I updated, I am so sorry, I have been in a Funk...

The two teams made their way to the bioship, Kori and Arsenal taking the seats at the back as M'gann piloted them back to Happy Harbor. Kori huffed, gaining the attention of Artemis who asked what the problem was. Kori grumbled lowly. "I do not understand why we are heading back to your base of operations when we should be going after Jason."

"Well, as you two put it, 'Jaybird is a grown adult who can make his own decisions'. He decided to go with Ra's Al Ghul so who are we to stop him?" Roy shrugged.

Arsenal snapped his head up from his resting place. "Hey! Only I get to call him Jaybird!"

"Well, technically I am you, so..."

"Oh, god, we are so not getting into a conversation about this." Artemis groaned, glaring at the two Roys. "Both of you be quiet. Kori, we are going to go after Jason after we regroup with the Justice League and you guys tell us the offer that Jason 'couldn't refuse' from Ra's."

Kori and Arsenal exchanged a look, seemingly talking with just their eyes. "Yeah, that's a hard no from me. We aren't going to spill Jason's secrets. Especially without him being here."

"Even if it meant rescuing him?"

Kori scoffed. "You clearly don't know Jason well if you think that boy needs rescuing. He will be fine."

Dick choked on air. "He is alone against Ra's Al freaking Ghul and the entire League of Assassins! How can you say that?"

Kori stared long and hard at Dick. "You are very much like the Richard from our universe." Dick blinked, confusion taking over his expression. "Jason knows what he is doing, he is not an amateur."

"But he is just one kid against a whole organization of highly trained assassins." Wally muttered under his breath.

"While that may be true, Jason has something up his sleeve that will ensure his victory and his survival."

"And what is that?" Kaldur asked curiously.

"The All Blades."

- - -

Jason whistled lowly under his breath. "This place looks much nicer when you aren't crazed from being brought back from the dead."

Ra's chuckled. "It does, doesn't it?" He led Jason down some winding tunnels towards his planning room where they would further discuss the deal they had struck up back at the home of the All Caste. Ra's opened the door for Jason. "After you."

Jason entered the sprawling room, eyes wide when he saw Talia Al Ghul. He logically knew it wasn't his Talia but he still felt his heart strings tug when he saw her sitting at the far end of the table, talking in a hushed voice with one of the underlings.

He snapped out of his memories when he noticed Ra's taking a seat and rushed to sit down across from him, folding his arms on the table and cupping his chin in his hand, staring Ra's down. "So, let's get down to business."

"You want to get home and I want to take down the Batman. You help me take him down and I return you to your rightful universe before you cease to exist, simple as that." Ra's smirked a smirk that Jason did not like.

"There's a catch, I feel like there's a catch. What is it?" Jason narrowed his eyes at Ra's.

Ra's chuckled. "We most likely only have one week to pull this off before you start to cease."

"That's not it, tell me the real catch."

"If you do not help me - or you fail - I will not help you return to your universe and you will cease to exist and a very painful way."

Jason snorted. "Can't be more painful than being beaten within an inch of my life by crazed clown with a crowbar and then blown up."

"It is."

"Oh, have you experienced both? No? Didn't think so, so you can't compare." Jason sassed, relishing in the glare Ra's sent his way. "Anyways, what is your grand plan to take down the Batman? Do you want to torture him physically? Psychologically? Kill him?"

"All of the above."

Jason grinned. "Well, even though he ain't my Batman, he still let a version of me die and that can't go unpunished, can it? So, when do we begin?"

Ra's stood up, flipping over the table with an amount of grace someone his age should not possess, tackling Jason and wrapping his hands around his neck, applying pressure. "Now."

- - -

The team and the Outlaws arrived back at Mount Justice, being met by a few Justice Leaguers at the hangar doors.

Wally sped up to his uncle. "Hey, what's up? Why are you guys here?"

Barry sighed, motioning for the teens to follow him, talking as they walked. "We received this transmission a short while ago."

"What transmission?" Arsenal asked, having a sinking feeling entire his gut.

"It would be best if you saw for yourself."

The group entered the mission room to see Batman standing in front of the holographic computer with his arms crossed, glaring at the screen. Kori gasped when she saw the screen and the image it showed.

Jason was tied up in a chair with a gag in his mouth, blood dripping out of his nose with two black eyes and a cut on his left eyebrow. She couldn't see any marks on his body due to the chains covering his torso but she assumed he had acquired some.

Ra's Al Ghul stood behind him, sharpening a sword casually. He looked up when he heard Kori's gasp, a grin growing on his face. "Ah, young Jason's teammates! How are you?"

"I knew it was a trap, I freaking told you Jason!" Arsenal snapped, flinging his arms up in the air in exasperation. Jason rolled his eyes in response, muttering something in response around the gag. "What was that, I couldn't hear you through the gag and the fact that you found yourself owned by Ra's Al Ghul!"

"Please, as if he would ever stand a chance against me." Ra's scoffed. "But enough about me. If you want the boy back, Batman, surrender yourself to me. Otherwise, you can say goodbye to Jason Todd...a second time."

The transmission cut out with a roll of Jason's eyes, leaving the heroes and the Outlaws in silence.

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