Chapter 2: It happened

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It happened at 10:50 at night. They got in a car crash. By they I mean my family. They're gone, dead, forever. I can't believe it. They were driving slower than normal because of snow and a car a truck actually came at a speed of 140 they say it swerved off the road. They are really gone. I have to go into the foster care. I can't even. I am gonna live with different families for 2 years. 2 YEARS. Why did I make that dumb wish about being alone and by myself. I'm really scared. The reason I am going into foster care is nobody is willing to take me at least no one they know about with my last name. My aunt is in Florida she claims she doesn't have enough room. My cousins mom won't take us because of my crush on him. She knows and he knows.
His name is Jacob. He's really tall and handsome. I'm off topic. Anyway, she won't take me because she's afraid of "things happening" even though there's a 10 year difference between us and he and I both know better. Like I said she won't take me.
I still can't believe all of them are dead. The only survivor was my brother he was doing fine for a long time, then he had some kind of brain tumor that they were working on that exploded and killed him. He was the only one left. The only one I could hold onto with hope. Mom, died on the scene. Sister, the same thing. Dad, was okay but then in the ambulance his oxygen machine broke and he died. All of them, I have no hope anymore.
At school my sister was 2 grades ahead of me but we had lockers next to each other and that's all I ever saw her at school and at home she was never there. Always out, partying and doing bad things. But my brother, I saw him all the time. 1 grade behind me and in some of the same classes as me. I remember what my mom said when I was 8 and my pet hamster was sick. She said, "...if you really love something you'll let it go...". I knew he was gonna die though. I just thought this was a normal trip to the consignment store down the street. Nope it was the end of their lives.

Jc Caylen: The One That Got AwayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora