4. Brand new numb.

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Jinx sat in Vampires Den with his brother, waiting for the others to arrive while he bounced his leg and stared at his coffee cup. 

Ash had tried wheedling out what was wrong with his brother but Jinx had said nothing. Just stared at his cup. 

He hadn't slept at all the previous night. He had thought too much about the two demons and what they could have possibly wanted from them. 

He didn't like many of the options. 

Tony and Jake eventually came into the shop and had hardly sat down before Jinx started to talk, 

"I went to 669 Osborne Street last night" 

"What why?" Jake asked, wrinkling his nose and Jinx shook his head, 

"I'd seen something earlier during the salt n burn...so I went to see if it was a ghost but...it's two demons" 

Jake inhaled sharply, Ash just stared at Jinx and Tony blinked, 

"Two demons?" Ash asked and Jinx nodded, 

"Lonny and Cc...they...they want our help" 

"With what? What could we possibly have to offer?" Tony asked and Jinx shrugged, 

"I don't know...they said they'd tell us if we go back tonight" 

"Absolutely not" Jake said, crossing his arms and Tony looked at Jake, 

"...Yea no sorry dude, we're going. I don't want some pissed off demons on my ass" 

Jake stuck his tongue out at Tony who stuck his tongue out back. Jinx rolled his eyes and took a sip of his coffee. 

The four eventually agreed to go back to 669 Osborne Street. Starting to talk instead about some TV show to avoid thinking of the gnawing dread in their stomachs at what the demons could want. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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