Five o' clock, Three Hauntings

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The sun flickering in the sky, it's soft pastel colours of pink, yellow, blue and even orange. The Town sleepily waking up from its slumber. However, the church was beaming of pride and hope, the place of worship and where those who believe there's a god, come once every Sunday. To the church. Bunny's family were there, wearing their sunday best, proper clothing that were hiding most of their skin and so fourth. Bunny was feeling, unwell. She was never like this before but now, after the contract, it's as if she suddenly got allergic to her own religion. "Ma I don't feel so well..." "Nonsense sweetpea, you're always up and healthy just like you are at school" Her mother says with a smile. Bunny puts on a small smile then looks away, scratching her arm.
Soon they all stood as the priest of the church came forth and the organ started to play a sweet melody. Everyone including Bunny started to sing 'Gloria'. As they sang midway Bunny's throat started to feel sore, her tune now crumbling into coughs and wheezing in the chest. Some odd looks were given to her family, her father clearing his throat and fixing his tie. Bunny looked up and held in her coughs, trying her best to sing the rest of the tune before it stopped. A shadow skipped passed on of the coloured windows. Before she could register it's figure it was gone in a blink of an eye. The song finally stopped and the priest began to talk. As he talked, Bunny could feel her body wriggling, holding in her coughs was dangerous yet she didn't want to make a scene.

She tightened her lips till they were white. Bunny's mother leaned over and whispered in her ear. "Darling...are you alright?" Before she could respond to her mother and started to lean over and throw up, coughing and spluttering. Bunny's hands trembled, holding onto her stomach. She started to throw up again, this time it was red, red blood. Her mother started to scream in terror while her father just watched her. "I knew it all along...shes a sinner and no daughter of mine.." Soon everyone in the church started to laugh at her while she struggled to breathe, her lungs was now filling up with a pool of blood. Bunny gasped for air, chocking and coughing, she tried to crawl and stand up but she was too weak to stand so she just crawled in her own bloody mess, the people laughing and chanting slurs and sin. She grabbed her hand onto someone's ankle, only to look up and see it was Derek.
He was mocking her and laughing. "Oh how pitiful...the holy child is now turning to devilspawn~" he now bellowed in laughter as she screamed, feeling her body change, once pale skin now red like the pool of blood, horning growing out from her head. Her eyes started to blur, the last thing she saw was the brand on her arm and Dereks cold, souless eyes.

Bunny screamed and stood upright in her bed. Holding her head. She was drowned in sweat from head to toe, the brand on her arm glowing in the beat of her racing heart. It was only a nightmare, a tormenting nightmare. She watched the time and saw it was only 5:30, an hour before she had to go to church. She watched the bedroom door, only to see nothing but darkness. "I didn't wake them.." she says with a sigh, falling back down to rest. She was slightly shaking at what happened. Did she have to deal with this forever now? Is this her life? Would this nightmare actually happen today? Bunny didn't want to think about it. All Bunny had to do...was rest for the hour.         Oh poor Bunny..the poor lost soul.

Nightmares and tormenting ones are quite different dear reader, a nightmare is something about certain common things like late for school, due homework, a character from a movie all sorts. A Tormenting Nightmare is more...explicit. It means that it is not confusing like ordinary nightmares, it is straightforward and precise. There are no hesitations as to what it can do or be. Be weary reader, this only occurs when something has troubled you in your life or has changed it. It can also happen if you have made contact with a tormenting demon which I'm sure that the majority of you didn't....unless you meant the demon with the spider tattoo on his hand then I don't know...I'm only a, let us continue shall we?


The Bunny family were sitting down at the dining table, eating breakfast in silence. Her father reading the newspaper and her mother eating her scrambled eggs in peaceful silence. Bunny was spreading butter on her toast then grabbing the jame before clearing her throat "Hey Mama?" She says, looking up at her then back to her toast. "Yes darling?" She says, looking at her with a smile. "Uhm...could I not go to church today?" Her mothers smile wiltered. "Why not? You're not feeling well?" "You could say tha-" "NO...shes going to church if she likes it or not!" Bunny's father said, whatever he says goes but, she couldn't, she didn't want her parents to see the things she had done or would occur. "Papa please! I never missed a day of church!" Bunny says. "What about the time you skipped on Easter day huh?" He says, giving her a slight glare, it was just like Butchers only less menacing.
"I was a baby! Neither you or mother were their either! That was the day I was born Papa it doesn't count!" She protested. Bunny's mother sank a little in her seat. "D-darling..shes right you know, she's never missed a day so whats wrong with missing one?" "Her friends are the problem..what are they asking you for? To start drugs? Sex?" Bunny lightly blushed. "Papa! I'm only helping out for Crybaby, her parents haven't made meals for her in a week! She's looking more tired by the hour and not because she can't sleep!" Bunny says, hands balled into fists. She kept eye contact with him, just like what Butcher told her, keep eye contact with the person and make sure you look confident. Her father sighed and shook his head. "Fine!....miss any more and you're grounded!" Bunny smiled in victory. "Oh thank you papa! Thank you mama!. She hugged her mum then hugged her dad to which made a face when she wasn't looking. She grabbed her piece of toast and went upstairs to change from her sunday best to casual. Bunny's father looked at the newspaper again and grumbled to himself. "I swear I'm loosing my grip on her day by day..." he mumbles to himself

Bunny got changed and ran out of the house, running towards Crybaby's house which was in the downtown part of the town. As she did so she was stopped at a crowd in front of the Majors stand, the centre of town. She saw Vex waving to her and she ran up to him, seeing Crybaby and Butcher with him also. "Whats going on?" She asked them, the crowd looking big. "I don't know..we were going to stop by at your place but then we got caught in this nonsense" Butcher explains, small bags were under his eyes. Bunny knew that Aunt May must've had trouble sleeping again.
The crowd started to cheer as the Major, plump like a plum going onto the stage. She waved the crowd down and hushed them all, her fake smile plastered on her face. "How much botox does this women need?" Bunny whispers to the others. "I'm pretty sure she didn't just do her face, look at those bosoms! They're massive DD's" Vex says, his hands making grabby motions and grinning. Butcher slapped the back of his head in disgust, Crybaby looking at Vex then down, poking her chest. She looked at the Mayor then made a popping balloon sound in whispers. Vex chuckled and patted Crybaby's head. "See? She gets it?" "Shuuuush!" Bunny whispered yelled to them.

"..-As you may know we are soon going to celebrate the 30th anniversary  of the high school reunion! Some of our older pupils such as myself stayed in this lovely town we know as MaryBell East. Some have travelled and have done just great things, hopefully will be able to see them again. It has also been 30 years since the incident of such tragic deaths..." The four looked at each other. "Deaths?" Crybaby mumbles softly. Vex shrugs, "No one ever told me about deaths" he says. They continued to listen in confused silence. "...since we've lost so many of those loved followers and friends from our past, I guess it's time we finally changed that! For now on MaryBell East will change back to it's original name...Glenwood East!"

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