Three spare, Four weak

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We continue on from when the poor lost souls have revived Akari and another figure known as Derek, the four now trying to figure out their next their own way.
Butcher and Vex were arguing about the situation that has occurred while Bunny was mumbling to herself, walking up and down to think and pray. Crybaby watched them or more just Akari, it seemed that Derek was moving in and out of his shadow, as if he were the true sleep paralysis of your nightmares.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA HUH VEX?!" Butcher yelled, his temper way over his head. "HEY IT'S NOT MY FAULT! YOU MOSTLY DID ALL THE PLANNING FUCKWIT!" Vex yelled back, shoving him. Butcher growled and shoved right back. More shoves continued until shove came to push to then came to fighting.
Butcher punching Vex whenever he can while Vex tried to dodged but succeeding by just getting graised by his fists of metal. Both were getting bruises to the face and stomach area. "ENOUGH!" Bunny yelled making the two stop mid-way into taking a final hit in their lower regions. Bunny huffed and glared at them, icicles shimmering in her eyes full of anger. "We are not going to solve anything while you....imbeciles, fight until you're balls are broken!" "What are we gonna do then princess? Pray to god?" Butcher says, sneering at her and her culture. Bunny huffed "Leave my faith out of this Butch!" She says, hands balled into fists. Soon the three started to argue with one another.

Meanwhile Crybaby was in watch of the boy, who seemed to hold his stomach tight and grip into his clothing. Akari was grunting, holding his head as if electric shocks were bashing inside his skull. "Where am I?......why..." he slowly put his hands in front of him. "I can't see!..why can't I see?...why?" He croaked then started to cough. He looked around and squinted at Crybaby who was standing in front of him. "Hello?...whos...where...AUGH!" He grabbed his head in agony and croaked a loud yell of pain. "Ughh....huh....Erin?...e..erin?" He says, reaching his hand out and started a coughing fit. "Why...ERUGH! Stop this!" He yelled again, falling to his knees. "Erin?...." Crybaby says softly, kneeling down to his level. Akari looks at her, well her silhouette at least, his eyes widening at the name. "Yes...are you Erin?...what..where" She shook her head. " here..." she moves closer to him, an inch from crossing the salt circle. Akari looked down, upset to find that shes not here. "Time...where-"He said. Soon he was screaming in pain, holding his head back and chocking for air then gasped, falling back down and coughing. Crybaby's stone face cracked slightly. She knew what pain felt like, seeing someone that she admired like this hurt her. She crossed the line and gently placed a hand on his. "30 years...gone by Akari..poor black heart" she says in almost a mumbled whisper. "Why...why did you leave me Erin?" Akari moved his hand away from hers and went to grab her throat but was pulled away by Derek, gripping onto a bunch of his locks. His chuckled was demonic and slightly growled deeply.
Crybaby was silent, looking up at Derek in his cold white eyes that were cold. He grinned at her.

Out of no where, Black iron chains started to emerge from each and every direction, whipping and snapping onto each of their ankles and wrists, locking them tight. They all started to panic and try to move around which activated the iron chains to heat up, burning their skin. Butcher bit his lip hard, trying to hold in the pain. Vex fell to his knees, tugging hard on the chains which only made them heat up, causing vex to yell in pain. Bunny was hanging by the chains which held her wrists, slithering around her waist and pulling her tight and burning her skin, making her scream. Crybaby saw her friends struggling to which she tried aswell but was too weak as her body started to feel tired and sore. Derek watched them all suffer, making him cackle and laugh at them like the Tormentor he was. Akari just listened to their pain, closing his eyes shut and gritting his teeth.

"It seems that you four have summoned" Derek says, chuckling. Crybaby looked up at him, her breathing getting shallow it was as if she was suffocating. Butcher growled. "Shut up bastard we were only-" but he was cut off, the chains on his ankles digging into his skin making his gasp and yell. Derek cleared his throat. "As I was saying...I thank you...for bringing me back home to the mortal realm...with that for that I shall reward each and every one of you to join me...." he says with a devilish grin. "W-what if we refuse?..." Bunny stutters, shaking. He looked at her then flicked his wrist, the chain now slithering up her torso and tightening, making the poor girl gasp and cough for air. "Stop it! Don't hurt her!" Yelled Vex, looking at him with anger. "I was only showing the girl what would happen if you refused my offer...Vex, was it?.."
Vex looked at him, grunting. Crybaby's vision started to blur, ringing started to grow louder in her ears, blocking out the world around her. "" Coughed Akari which he was soon silenced by his grabbing his throat.

"Do we have a deal?~"

Awakening Glenn EstWhere stories live. Discover now