Two eyes, Four Obession

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It was Monday now, first period and the time where the four pour souls are having a test. I'm sure you reader have or had experienced the ups and downs of what a test feels like....haven't we all? Now, the four were in the same class for this test, it was on Biology if you were interested to know and all had bags under their eyes. None could sleep the last night nor the night before. The Glen Est was spinning in their heads. Even Bunny the A starred pupil couldn't even focus properly. Butcher couldn't get the visions out of his head when Akari murdered his best friend, Vex was fidgeting in his spot, the teacher sometimes telling him to shush. Crybaby was quiet, as always but was chewing on her pen meaning that she couldn't focus. The four were as if stuck, shackled to the knees and bound tightly, whenever one moves, the others do aswell like puppets.
'Why would he kill Derek like that? I understand he was wasn't his fault his was only doing what he was supposed to'

'So unholy! Everyone of them in the story and yet...oh poor Akari, I mean..his was only doing it for his love right?'

'I can't understand it, how could they do that to him? It was uncalled for! This is getting out of hand I need to focus...but why should I? The teachers tell me to sympathise more often so here I am feeling sorry for a murderer'

'.......Akrai, a poor boy with a black heart.....'


It was now recess. What a skip, second period was boring, trust me I had to listen to it. The four were sitting under the steps where most of the students of the school never go near. Mainly because Butcher makes them wet their pants and run away. Crybaby was in the corner of the staircase, curled up into a ball. Bunny was next to them, re-reading the bible and Vex...was rambling on about Glen Est. "-but you should understand that she was a goddess! Like I mean, how would you feel if the goddess of your dreams crushes your very soul? I would do the same only just...hang probably my body is only for my lovely future wife...or husband I could go either way" Butcher grunted, a sign that he wants him to stop. "I mean come on now this body is rocking hard huh? Its especially bold and strong, I bet if Akari were here he would agree with me! His the one the only one thats the real vic-" "ENOUGH VEX!" Butcher growled now, grabbing his collar and glaring at him. Vex nervously chuckled and gulped. "H-hey now Butchy wouldn't hurt lil old me..heh, would you?" Vex stuttered a little. Butcher slowly pulled his arm back, ready to punch. "Boys...behave now or would you rather deal with a banshee?" Bunny says, looking up from her book while Crybaby was puffing her cheeks out, playing with the hem of her plaited skirt. Butch looked over to Crybaby and dropped Vex, now able to breathe steadily. "Sorry Crybaby, Bunny" Butcher says, wiping his hands on his shirt as if Vex was a disease. Bunny looked at him, gesturing for him to apologise too. "Alright alright...geez...sorry Crybaby and Bunbun.." he says, fixing his collar and hair.
"Why so obsessed Vex? We all read it, it's over now" Bunny says, flipping a page in her bible. "Obsessed? Me? Says the girl who couldn't focus in her test this morning" Vex flicked her on the forehead. Bunny pouted, "I was so! Just...thinking about what to write! Yeah! Thats all..." she says, looking down and pulling her legs close to her chest. "Yeah, same with me actually.." Butcher agrees, crossing his arms though he wasn't looking Vex in the eye. "However Mr. Twitchy pants over there, fidgeting and getting the teachers bad side every 5 seconds" "Hey I was only fidgeting because I wanted to piss off Ms. Applebutt whatever her name is.." Vex says defensively. Crybaby stopped playing with her skirt and looked up, brown eyes watching everyone then sighing. "Lies....put down you're mask and face....the honest truth" she says, looking at each one as she spoke. The three were silent, not because she spoke but because she was right. All were distracted by the story, it's been on their minds for the weekend and even today, even now as they think. Crybaby hid her face and played with her skirt again. "Shes right you know...hate to say it but I'm slowly thinking non-stop about it" Bunny finally says after much thought. "Gotta agree...we're all slowly becoming entranced by it" Vex says, biting his lip. "Well what do we do about it?" Butcher asks, starting to sit down. "Talk about it until we slowly get tired of it" Bunny says. "My parents do that when someone at church may have sinned". Vex and Butcher nodded in agreement and slowly started to talk about it. Crybaby listened and sometimes put her input whenever she wanted to or not.
Their conversation started to grow bigger, not stopping anytime soon. Even during class time in hushed whispers then full on discussion at lunch. As you can tell dear reader the pour souls are slowly going into an obsession over the story including the characters. They even convinced themselves, including the innocent Bunny that what Akari did was not wrong and was putting justice, he did not deserve to have died. Now listen closely reader, you must not turn into the fate that they've now turned to, this is a warning I will give you once and once only. How nice I am to do so.


The Four are now back at Vex's place, all discussing about one thing, Glenn Est. "We gotta do something! I mean...we can't just pray for Akari he might be in hell for his sins! We gotta give him justice" Bunny says, what a strange thing a christian like herself would say to a mentally unstable criminal... "What do you suppose we do?" Butcher says swinging an arm around Crybaby, giving some comfort for her. She gave a small smile and hid her face. "Hmmm...hell...justice...spooks...AH HA! I got it!" Vex says, snapping his fingers then rushing to open his laptop. He started typing furiously then making a victory noise, taking the laptop and placing it on his bed. The three leaned over and looked. The website was called 'Raise the Dead: Satanic devil and demons' "So?...what do you guys think?" Vex says, proud to have such an excellent idea. "If we summon Akari..." "....We can bring in him back and...." "...Let him get the justice he deserves yes! Oh I knew we were the greatest bunch of pal-" "Don't push it Vex.." Butcher growled lowly. Vex shut his mouth and nodded, making a small squeak sound. "So you in?" Bunny, Butcher and Crybaby looked at him then nodded.
"So..Whats the plan?" Butcher asked, a smile forming on his face.

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