Four Deals, Four Symbols

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"Ok so now you have the room in this house for what you need or want but please remember that this place is supposed to be 'silent' got it?" Bunny explains, handing him the keys. Derek looks down at her hand which held the key and took it before kissing it. "Thank you darling~" she lightly blushed and stepped back. "O-ok...well..will s-see you tomorrow a-after school...ring u-us when you need s-something" she says quickly before running upstairs to unite with the others. Derek licked his lip and held the keys tight before soon turning to flames, melting in his palm. "Oh I will..." he growls lowly.

Before we discuss what has now happened dear reader, let me tell you what fate has brought to the poor lost souls; "Do we have a deal?~"  The four struggled only to get burned more and scream in agony. Vex watched as Crybaby was loosing consciousness. "STOP IT! CAN'T YOU SEE SHES STRUGGLING TO BREATHE YOU'RE KILLING HER" Vex yelled at him. "She'll die unless you accept my offering" Derek says, watching her and Akari. Both of them were staggering for breathe, the blood that they now both shared made them suffer. "FINE I ACCEPT YOUR OFFER YOU BASTARD!" Yelled Butcher, cried as the iron chains now dug into his skin, burning bright. Derek grinned and snapped his fingers, the chains unravelling from their bodies and vanished into soot. Bunny fell from the height but luckily landed on her feet, still hurt but no broken bones. Butcher fell to his knees, gripping onto his shirt, trying to get air. Vex feel on his back, coughing. Crybaby finally collapsed, grasping for air but Akari wasn't so lucky...
"Come...lets seal the deal shall we?~" he growls, voice deep. As if by force, the three got pulled over towards him by invisible string and sat on their knees. Bunny helped Crybaby up, letting her rest her head against Bunny's side. "Left arm out.." he commanded and all four obeyed. As they did so he pressed a finger on their arm soon a hot sensation filled their veins, bubble like blisters started to form and twist in shape and form. Soon each and every member of the group had a hot iron brand on their skin then sizzled inside their skin. They all looked at each other, now knowing that fate has turned, Derek laughing echoed the warehouse, the demonic being feeling power over them. Akari just sat there, motionless.

"Did you give him the keys?" Butcher asked, checking to make sure he didn't hurt her. "Yes he has them...but Crybaby, are you sure to let them stay in your basement?" Bunny looks over to Crybaby, worry on her face. Crybaby blinked and gave a small nod. Vex hugged Crybaby from behind and held her tight. "Be safe ok? We worry for you little warthead" he says, about to poke her nose before she snapped her teeth at him, making Vex jolt and gasp dramatically, standing in a sorrowful pose. "She almost bit me? And I thought you loved me!" He says, sighing. Butcher rolled his eyes and playfully punched his arm. "Cut it out Vex" Vex grinned and cleared his throat. Soon they all said their goodbyes and left Crybaby to herself. Crybaby softly yawned and went to the kitchen, opening the empty fridge and grabbing some ice cubes at the back and started to crunch on them. Her parents never bought food much, it was on rare occasions that they might have a full fridge and pantry of treats and such. Crybaby was too use to it by now. She crunched on her ice cubes as she walked around the house, floorboards creaking and groaning. She got to her parents door where she heard them snoring. "Weed again?..." she asks herself softly before reaching the doorknob then hesitated. "No...Crybaby never goes in...or punishment is the way" she mumbles, soon going over to her bedroom to sleep. She got over to her bed and collapsed onto it, curling into a ball and pulling the bed sheet over her body and tried to get some sleep. School was on tomorrow and the upcoming 30 year Reunion is close by so they had to prepare. She looked at her arm where the brand was sealed. She pressed her finger onto her arm where the brand started to form in her skin, it didn't hurt anymore but the tormenting symbol was. It was a circle, roman numerals all around the boarder. In the middle was a small puddle and a giant drop of what either seemed to symbolise her sacrificial blood or the tears drops that would fall from her eyes. She was lucky that the others didn't see her arm fully, otherwise they would've have seem her many scars of pain, suffering and abuse. She looked up at the ceiling, tears falling down her face. "Mommy..." she whimpered to herself.

"And where on earth have you been?" "Ma, I was out, I can't sleep when I have a test tomorrow you know that!" Vex lied to his mother who was sitting in a leather chair, petting the cat. "Where abouts do you mean by out? Getting laid? Fighting? Lemme guess....out with Butcher and fighting then getting laid?" She mocks him, her arms crossed. Vex lightly blushed and gritted his teeth, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Ma...I told you, out, taking a jog and finding peace without suffocating in this bloody shack called a house!" He says. "If I find out that you are lying to me, I will ask Aunty May to give me proof about your claim" she says, a brow raised. Vex had enough of this and gave her the rude finger. "Suck on ma balls Ma!" He says then went up to his room, soon running as he heard his mother smacking the sandal about like the Latina mother she is.

Bunny, quick as she was didn't get caught and got through the window of the second story house with ease, a helpful hand from the oak tree that stood beside it. She slided into her room and quickly went inside her bed, pretending to sleep as she heard her parents open the door to check on her. "What an angel she she sleeps soundlessly on such a cold night" her father whispered to his wife who nodded. They both closed the door, not knowing that Bunny was sobbing, seeing her brand was the upside down cross, with eyes that seemed to look at her in every direction. She felt sick to the stomach, soon sobbing silently in the night until dawn would break.

Butcher was already in the house changing into pjs and sat on his chair which belonged to his father. He couldn't sleep in his bed as he was watching his aunt, making sure she was ok and if she needed anything. She was the only family he had and will make sure that she is safe. Aunt May started to toss in her sleep, mumbling his name. He went over to her, to see if she was ok but she was not. Butcher sighed and steadily woke her up in which she did, hugging him. "Its alright Aunt May...Dads not dead.." It's as if he knew what she was dreaming about, after all Aunt May always had dreams like this when she missed her brother, his father.
The Night wasn't a pleasant one for the poor lost souls, it was more drowning, drowning in their actions and from whats keeping them from being who they're supposed to be. The brand was their burden, symbolising that who they are makes them who they will be in the future, no matter how many angles you shape and mold. People always say "It'll get better, it always will" why would they say that when they're feeling like their dead weight too? You humans are confusing creatures..

Awakening Glenn EstWhere stories live. Discover now