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      You knew that in this massive and sumptuous castle has at least a hundred bedrooms built inside, but true to the nature of the King when it comes to someone else except you, he could be stingy and stubborn as he put the injured beastkin in a cramped, dim, and cave-like room; except for the cheap spindly pine frame bed and a lighted candle on the wooden nighstand, there was nothing else in there, not even a window, and you wondered if this room was meant for a prisoner instead.

      Although it was rather stupid to wait for you assailant to wake up so you could check on his condition, you knew there was nothing you could do for your heart would not be at ease so long as he did not open his eyes. It was stupid of you to feel like this considering how he tried to kill you earlier.

      To be honest, you could not make any sense with the reaction the General gave you—he seemed to hate you to death but at the same time, he kissed you, so what does he actually feel for his grandpa? Is it hate or is it an obsession? You could not understand, but thinking back, if you were in his place, you would do the same—though not as brutal as him, and you would not kiss someone you called grandpa either.
     After all, he was a beastkin who had gone missing once in his childhood and the first time both he and his grandpa met was in the woods.

       According to your memory, he was the hardest child to take care of, often has a fit if things didn't go his way, but he also has a moment where he was vulnerable and fragile, and when that time came, he often seeked his grandpa to comfort him and demand that old man to be by his side till dusk, and who would refuse such an adorable request made by a humanoid creature with tail and ears of a panther?

        But when he was given back to his parents, he was awfully quiet, only pleading and crying when his parents weren't looking and this made you felt uneasy; to think that the past you would overlook this strangeness, did they did something to the little beastkin back at home? You don’t even know the reason behind his disappearance, it could be that he was treated horribly to the point of running away, and your past self, who gave him shelter, love, and comfort, suddenly brought him back to the devil's den.

       Lord, how horrible was that old man? Not to mention he did the same things to Fierté and the others.


      That’s not your sin; the man who did that had died long ago. Coincidentally, you were reincarnated as him, so why does it has to be you to bear that burden? Because you shared the same soul?

       That's clearly unfair!


      The voice that called you was soothing and alluring, snapping you out of your thought as you looked behind to see a bewitching man standing in front of the vintage steel door. A soft smile adorned his handsome feature and you found that the robe he wore do no justice to hide his sinful body, and his tone and hard chest was very visible to your and any wandering eyes that were itchy to take a look.

         His gorgeous golden hair that would usually be combed back during the day was no more as it was let loose around his face, casting an innocent yet mysterious look when his messy and short bang swept over his eyes.

      You suddenly noticed that a vial was in his grip when he strolled to you, guessing to yourself that it was probably for the General until he kneeled down before you to tell you that the vial was meant for you as he made eye contact with your neck.

        A pained grunt suddenly left your mouth when his slender fingers traced the red fingerprints on your throat caused by none other than your assailant who was peacefully sleeping on the bed.

ꜱ ᴀ ᴜ ᴅ ᴀ ᴅ ᴇOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora