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"Hey sweetheart, I wasn't expecting you this early," gemma says, coming into the shop.
"I couldn't sleep, so I figured I might as well be useful."
"We still gonna go look at houses later,"
"That's the plan stan"
"The boys will be home in the next couple of days. Lawyer said they couldn't find proof of anything, so they could only hold them for six weeks, then had to let them go. "
"That's great." The guys got picked up a month after Gemmas family dinner. They were picked up on the disappearance of Lenny. They were trying to prove that they murdered him, but with no body, it's kinda hard to find them guilty of it.
"I'm so glad you have decided to stay in town. I'm sure happy is gonna be excited to see you." Gemma says, shifting through some paperwork
We was whatever we was for a month  and they got picked up. We got to see them once after they were picked up.
"I've not seen him in four weeks, so we will see.
We work for a few more hours
"Come on, let's go find you a house," Gemma says, gathering her things. I've not nearly made enough for a house, but gemma said she could help me with a loan if I needed it. This is great since the club house is good and all, but one can only be around crow eaters and porn stars for so long. I've already had an issue with a couple of them not liking me.
We go, and ironically, all the houses Gemmas realitor  shows me is on her street.

Mean while. The boys are getting released  two days earlier than Gemma expected.
They make their way to the lot. Clay and Happy a little disappointed their ladies weren't there to greet them. They are not answering  their phones, which has them a little worried, but knowing Gemma, they are shopping.
Happy makes his way into the bar with the guys and grabs a beer, and sits down to talk with the guys.
"See any you like,"
"Gemma, they all almost look identical,"
"Well, then just pick basically makes sense you get the one right next  to my house." it looks like it. When we pull into the lot, I'm shocked I see clay
"I thought they weren't getting out for a few days," I asked, confused
"Go find your man show him how much you missed him," Gemma says, nodding to the club house
" Go get your man," I tell her as we both get out of the car
"Hey kid Happy is inside," Clay says as he is pulling Gemma into him
I walk into the club and slip in, not noticed some how. I don't see Happy, so I head to the dorm. I go to walk in, and there he is, lying in bed, eyes closed, and head back with a crow eater I've  hated since I first came here sucking his dick.
I just shut the door and walk out.

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