2.2 Kids Are Bratty, Driving Me Batty

Start from the beginning

A shake of the head.

Turaya raised an eyebrow and tugged him away lightly. The grip tightened and continued to tighten as she pulled harder on his clothes to get him away from her. The blonde woman finally gave up after realizing if she tugged any harder, she'd rip his clothes.

"Could you at least look up at me when I speak to you?"

The small head looked up at her finally and rose-gold met emerald green. Both blinked at each other.

"Thank you. Now then, tell me your name."


"Renaut who?"

"... Giandim"

"It will do you good to remember that. Your family name means everything here."

Renaut stared at her quietly for a long time before reaching up and touching her face. It was smooth and pretty, like porcelain. Her face was like this too. Just less blank. Turaya indulged him for a short time before removing his hand from her face.

"Don't do that. It's rude."


Turaya sighed again. Why did Renaut seem so detached? It was like the kid was in his own little world.

"Do you know what happened here?"

"Kind of."

"Well, I'll tell you."

. . . How do you tell a ten-year-old that his family was murdered and that he was the only one left? Brooke actually couldn't. Time to lie until it comes back to bite her in the ass in years to come but will benefit her current state of mind at the moment.

"Your family went on a very, very long vacation. They'll be traveling for a long time and unable to contact you."

"Then why didn't they take me with them?"

"Because it'd be too hard on your body. They're going really far away."

"How do you know this?"

Turaya groaned inwardly. This felt so bad but not as bad as telling him his family was killed. He was so cute, he didn't need to know yet. Oh, there was the part of her that adored things.

"Because I was sent to take care of you."

Renaut stared at her blankly for a bit and she felt like she'd been caught. Though in a familiar way. Why was that? Hm.

"Then who are you?" He asked quietly.

"I am Turaya. Tu or Raya is just fine as well."

Renaut blinked up at her for a bit before speaking again. "Auntie Tu?"

A vein popped out of her head.

"Sister Tu."

"Auntie Tu."





Should've let him die in the snow, brat. I'm not that old for fuck's sake I'm about to slap him into next week, who do you think you are-

Ah, so Turaya was sensitive about her age. Wait, did she just hear someone else's thoughts in her own brain? What was happening? Was this something else that Jules forgot to tell her.

"Okay then. I'm dropping you now."

Renaut suddenly tightened his hold on her if that was possible.

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