6 || White Rabbit

141 19 7

Unfortunately, the tiny room we were cramped in was only really big enough for one person. Felix clings onto me, while my arms come full circle around his torso as we try to steady each other.

I feel all the blood rush to my face immediately, looking up to be met with Felix's face inches away from mine.

Our eyes widen, all to aware of the situation we were in. We immediately break apart, trying to seperate as much as the closet will allow us.

"Uhm-" Felix coughs, averting his gaze from me, his cheeks dyed magenta. "Where is your zipper stuck?"

"O-oh-" I turn around, trying my best to hold the dress in place. "Right here."

I feel his hands brushing my back, fiddling around with the zipper while trying to pull it up.

"Almost done there?"

We hear Sunghee's voice come from the other side, and Felix let's out what almost seems like an annoyed grunt. "Yeah, yeah, sure." He grumbles, although his voice was still quite flustered.

I then feel something click behind my back, the tiny zipper shooting up straight.

"Ah?" I raise my head a bit. "Felix, did you get it?"

"Yup, and now I'm getting out of here." He says, immediately dashing through the drapes. His ears were drooped down, and I can still see the bright blush on his cheeks as his face was written with embarrassment.


I chuckle at him, feeling my cheeks suddenly get warmer as-well.

"Sohye, you coming out?" I hear Sunghee's voice again. "I bet you look fabulous, let me see~"

"Oh, Coming!" I immediately shoot my back up straight, shaking my thoughts away from Felix. Using my hand to push open the curtain, I take a step forward, seeing the two still patiently waiting outside- well actually, Sunghee, patiently waiting outside.

"That's better, isn't it?" I see him smiling at me. "I bet you feel more comfortable in those clothes now."

The male then turns around, grabbing a pair of black, flat heeled shoes. "I picked out these shoes for you while you were changing, and I think they'll fit with your outfit nicely. Don't worry though, I casted a spell so they won't hurt while you walk or run, so just go ahead and put them on."

He hands me them, and gestures towards one of the seats. I thank him, and sit down.

But I didn't really have to do anything after that, cause as soon as I set the shoes down on the floor, they both hover up and slide perfectly onto my feet.

"Woah..." I stare as the straps tighten themselves, the pretty shoes now adorning my feet.

"Pretty cool right?" Sunghee says. "Accessories here match themselves with your size, so there's no worry of anything not fitting. Not all of wonderland's stores have this, but it's pretty handy."

"Neat." I exclaimed, standing up in my spot. "I guess this is the whole outfit then? Thank you guys for helping me."

"No problem." Sunghee smiles. "We should probably get going now though, Felix looks like he's has enough of here."

We both turn towards the orange haired boy, and indeed, his was just sitting in the corner, fluffy ears drooped low as he quietly munches on another bag of cookies, a pout on his lips with pink dusted all over his freckled covered cheeks.

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