Ch.6 Broken Deals

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-Your pov

Practice is improving. My coach and team say that I'm still on edge. Not as bad like last time. I just hope that everyone has dropped the subject about me doing the dive.

"Alright, everyone line up at the board. We're doing the exercise with the rings again. Y/n, are you up for it?" My coach asked before I smiled and nodded my head. We all got in line and waited for our turn to jump.

"It's nice to see you getting back to your normal self." My teammate whispered as the line slowly moved along. I looked back and smiled at her.

"It feels good to be back." I replied before climbing up the ladder. I calmly approached the end of the board before noticing Alex. He waved a little before I smiled back at him. I jumped a couple times on the board to gain more height before making a dive into the water. The feeling of being submerged under the water again, I had no idea how much I missed it. Everything seemed frozen in time. It was as if I was floating in space. I looked down at the drain and felt a strange combination of curious and nervous. Is he still there? Will I hear the sound of his chains? Will I see the red light from his eyes? There was a trace of sorrow in me. He saved my life before he sank back down into the depths to drown again. I swam closer to the drain and looked through the bars. Nothing but darkness. I brought my ear closer to it. I could only hear the sound of the water making its way to the river. If he is still down there, then I doubt that he's still alive. If he's not      who knows what will happen next. I felt the need for air and swam back up to the surface. My coach let out a sigh in relief.

"Don't scare me like that." She said as I swam to the edge of the pool. I got out and waited for everyone else to finish. We gathered around the coach as she made announcements before she sent us to the locker room. I froze from Peter's name mentioned.

"Ya he was found dead in his room. They say that he was murdered, but they can't find any traces of the killer." One of the girls added. They continued to talk as my mind drifted into shock. Peter was an ass, but he didn't deserve to die. It felt strange knowing that I won't see him in classes when school starts. I grabbed my things and made my way towards home. I paused when I reached the river. I grew confused. Alex said that he was going to meet me here, yet there was no sign of him.

"I see that you are struggling to cross the bridge." A familiar but irritating voice stated. I looked at Nolan and tried to control my temper.

"Will you quit stalking me?" I said through my gritted teeth.

"Now why would I do that? I'm simply on my way home from the school as well. Had some things I needed to take care of." He replied. I raised my eyebrow and examined him. There was blood on his knuckles. That was enough to tell me what he was doing at the school.

"We had an agreement! I almost drowned! I did what you wanted and this is how you repay me?!" I yelled as I pushed him. Nolan looked shocked as he stumbled back.

"He pushed me first Y/n." He said slightly offended. I pushed him again.

"Ya like what I'm doing, yet you aren't hitting me! I bet he was telling you to leave me alone. Saying the same thing I have. Leave me the hell alone!" I shouted before pushing him again before making a run for it. I'll take the long way home. Hopefully Nolan will give up. I slowed down after a while to catch my breath and looked back. Nolan was nowhere in sight. I felt a wave of relief as I continued walking. It was pleasantly quiet. The rustling of leaves on the trees from the the slight breeze was relaxing. To my surprise, the sound of the river was just as peaceful. I never payed much attention to my surroundings here. I was always focused of getting home. I froze in my steps when something moved amongst the trees in the corner of my eye. I looked to see a figure wandering around the woods. He blended in well with the green forest. I guess he felt me watching him because he froze in his steps too and looked at me. My heart jumped. His eyes. His glitching red eyes. That boy was alive. How is that possible? He tilted his head slightly. He remembers me. I tried to speak, but I couldn't form words. My heart started beating faster when he started walking towards me. I didn't waste anymore time and ran. I didn't stop until I was at my front door and out of breath. I walked inside a grabbed a glass of water before going to my room. I looked at my phone to see a text from Jade.

"OMG! Y/n u need to check out this game!" It said with the name of the game at the bottom of her text. I looked it up to see that it was an online game. I sighed and made an account and a character. The tutorial was simple enough.

"Dammit." I said to myself when I recognized a few usernames of classmates. They must have recognized mine because they already started chatting with me asking the same dam questions. I ignored the chat box and continued playing. The next thing I knew, I was addicted to it. I continued exploring the game and looking to see if Jade and Alyssa were playing. I found Lori, JeffBoi, Dane, and KingKen. JeffBoi's character looked crazy yet hilarious. I was kind of surprised for a moment. There was a character dressed in black with pale skin and red eyes. I looked at his username hovering above his head before it popped up again in a private  chat box.

BenD has sent you a message:

-Ben pov

Thought they would drop the topic by now. Honestly, they don't need to know. And don't worry about what they think about you keeping it to yourself. None of their business.   Killer is on the loose in town from what I heard.   So be careful. 

I don't know if she understands my hidden message. I hope not.

Y/n has sent you a message:


I scoffed a little at her reply.

"Funny. That's what I said." I whispered to myself. I really shouldn't be talking to a potential kill. I might kill her down the road, but I'll wait for now.  She got me out of the rocks and set me free, so I'll give her a few weeks before I put her down as a possible victim. A killer like me doesn't give out free passes. I'll keep an eye on her and when the time is right       her time is up.

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