I took a step forward, praying that I wouldn't trip. Then another step. And another. I made my way down, bit by bit.

There he stood at the end of the aisle—my future husband.

"You are so enchanting," Hades whispered as he took my hands.

We decided to blend our cultures. As such, Hades and I will exchange rings—but not vows; In Greek Orthodox weddings, they don't say vows. I agreed to cut my hair, but we didn't bathe together before the ceremony. Nor did we sacrifice an animal. Cutting hair is something brides do as a part of the wedding.

Know that the bathing, cutting hair, and the sacrifices are from ancient Greece—not the present time.

I removed the comb out of my hair, and I turned from Hades. Hades produced a dagger. "Are you ready?"

I nodded. "Yes, but please don't butcher my hair."

I could hear the smirk in his voice. "Certainly."

Hades gathered up my hair, and, in one fluid motion, sliced through the strands. Hekate stepped forward and collected my locks in a cloth.

"Do I look hideous?"

Hades laughed and handed me a pocket mirror. My hair now brushed my shoulders instead of mid-back. This style will definitely require some adjustments. "You look even more stunning than ever," he whispered in my ear.

The rest of the ceremony went flawlessly. The snow fell softly around us the whole time. I had to remind myself that there was an audience because I focused solely on Hades—it was just him and me.

Then it was time for the feast. Traditionally, pork and beef are what the Greeks ate—so that is what we served. I did not eat the meat, though—being a vegetarian and all. I ate the side dishes: the figs, the olives plus various sautéed vegetables, and the cheese. For drinks, we had wine and water.

Usually, the men eat first, but we agreed not to do that, either.

The atmosphere was boisterous and joyful. Laughter bounced off the walls—although, that could be from the wine. I don't believe Hades took his eyes off of me for more than two minutes. But neither did I. I wished this night wouldn't ever end.

At the end of the meal, Thanatos signaled for a toast. "Attention, attention. We have some delightful news," Thanatos paused, and I cast Hades a confused look. Hades looked as bewildered as I did. "Hekate and I have come up with a way for the lovely bride to stay with her husband."

That got Hades' interest. "Oh? How?"

"Calantha has to eat a pomegranate. The seeds will bind her to the Underworld, and she won't be able to leave."

Hades grinned. "What a brilliant idea! Go and fetch some!"

Within minutes, there was a pomegranate in front of me. We cracked it open, spilling its magenta seeds. "How many do I have to eat?"

"Twelve. One for every month in a year," Hades responded. "Give me a moment to exile you so that the binding will work."

I carved out twelve seeds and swallowed them when Hades gave me the affirmative. The seeds tasted sweet but almost artificially. It was like the pomegranate was too enticing. I wanted to devour more of them, but I knew it was only a spell to trap me further. The fruit wanted me to stay here forever.

Tingles started in my mouth and lips, and they spread like wildfire to the rest of my body. Soon, the pins and needles turned prickly. It felt as if miniature knives stabbed every inch of me.

Hades noticed my distress and seized my hand. "I know it hurts, magnolia, but it will fade momentarily."

I wanted to reply, but I couldn't speak. I managed a small gurgle in the back of my throat. I noticed that I couldn't move my neck—the pricks paralyzed me in my seat. Hades ran his thumb over my knuckles, and I couldn't do anything to answer his affection. After what seemed like an eternity, the pain eased until dissipating altogether.

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