Someone Might Think You're Desperate

Start from the beginning

"I must... I must return to Rapunzel."

"Oh, don't go yet!"

"But I must..."

"She's a siren, you know," the fairy said, "She'll eat you if you go to her."

"I know. But if my brother is lost to her charms, I have to take back the crown and save him!"

"Come with me instead!" the fairy insisted, "Let me spirit you away to my hollow. I'll take care of him too, don't worry!"

Patches considered the offer. He couldn't seem to look away from her. Part of him thought maybe he should, but he didn't want to.

"It's tempting," he managed, then gasped as one of the flowers planted an especially passionate kiss on his inner thigh. "But my brother needs me."

"Well," the pink fairy said as she played with her hair, "If you ever reconsider, just come and find me."

"Find you? Where?"

"I live in the hollow of the oak tree over there. Just follow the vines. You can't miss it!"

He couldn't see anything through the pink fog, but he remembered there was a grand oak tree somewhere in the valley. It was all a bit hazy, though.

"These vines... are yours?"

"Yes!" the fairy said, and she kissed him again with a tinkling laugh into his mouth, "They're love vines. Aren't they lovely?"

He shivered happily as he returned his attention to the flowers and became aware all over again of all the places they were kissing him.

"But... wait. Aren't you a siren too? You're... irresistible. I feel like I'm under a spell when you kiss me. When I look at you."

"Oh you are! I'm a love fairy! I make people fall in love and I just looooove to kiss the sense out of pretty boys like you. But at least I don't eat people."

Patches didn't seemed convinced.

"Tell you what! Before you go off on your daring rescue, how about I give you one more kiss?" The fairy asked, and she winked "You can tell me what you think."

Patches tried to say no. He'd already spent too long with her and her vines. But her thick, black and bejeweled lashes fluttered as she puckered up and wiggled her hips against him. He sighed. How could he say no to her?

"Just one more," he agreed. And he kept agreeing as the fairy added just one more again and again, and just one more to that one more, until he had lost track of how many of her kisses he had given in to. All the while, the kissing flowers filled him with their pleasure, and the sun crossed the sky.


Rapunzel released Sideburns from her kiss and pushed him to the ground. She watched with amusement as he crawled back to her with eyes that burned with lust.

"Oh no, my handsome rogue," Rapunzel said, "You shouldn't be so eager! Someone might think you're desperate!"

She stroked his muscle-bound chest, admiring his well-toned physique.

"They could?" he asked, his mind clearly lagging as it slogged through the influence of her kisses.

"They could! And we wouldn't want that, would we?"


"You're not desperate, are you?"


"Because if you were I might just have to save my kisses for your brother. Look at him, being so patient and obedient for me."

Rapunzel's locks slipped into the bed of vines and coiled around Patches. She pulled him from the flower's kisses, and they reluctantly released him from their grip with a chorus of loud pops as their lips came free. He reached out for them, moaning dumbly for the flowers' kisses.

"Don't worry, my pet," Rapunzel cooed, "I will take care of you."

Rapunzel's soft golden waves tightened and held Patches's arms against his sides as her flowers kissed him. Soon enough he lay dazed and compliantly constricted in Rapunzel's hair as her flowers conquered his mouth and trailed lovingly along his naked body

"See?" Rapunzel said, turning back to Sideburns. "Perfectly content. And what about you? Will you be obedient for me?"

"Yes!" Sideburns said.

"You're not too desperate, are you?"

"No! Please just kiss me!"

"You sound desperate. I guess I'll have to come back to you when you're ready."

"Okay, okay! Then I... I'm not desperate!"

"You're not just saying that because you want to kiss me, are you? Because that would be really desperate."

"No, of course not. Why would I..."

"So, you're saying you don't want to kiss me?" Rapunzel pouted.

"No, I didn't mean— I'm just... I'm not desperate."

"Well," Rapunzel said with a smirk, and the flowers in her hair quivered, "We'll just have to do something about that, won't we?" And with a burst of pink her flowers released their pollen.

"Ask me to kiss you."

"You can't just kiss me?"

"Oh, I could. It's just more fun if you ask."

"Then kiss me," he said.

"You have to do it politely, though."

"PLEASE," he practically shouted, "please kiss me!"

"Well... if you insist. I guess one little kiss couldn't hurt."

She pulled him in for a kiss. With a loud "mwah!" she released him, and he teetered and fell back into the golden sea of her hair. Her lips still puckered from their kiss.

Purple spiderwebs spread out from his lips as his veins filled with her venom. His tongue swelled and he gasped for air. Euphoria overwhelmed him with waves of heat and cold. His head throbbed, his body ached, and everything started to go black.

Then, Rapunzel's voice cut through the darkness. Light shone through her hair as magic wove around him. The throbbing slowed, the swelling ceased, and all pain exited his body. The lust, however, did not.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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