The Song in the Dark

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A twig snapped and Sideburns Stabbington's heart hammered in his ears as he drew his crossbow and spun in the direction of the sound in one smooth motion, his finger dancing on the trigger, ready to strike. It could be Flynn or the Royal Guard or—

A timid man in a bard's hat looked up the shaft of the arrow at Sideburns with eyes wide. He threw his hands up.

"Don't shoot!"

Sideburns holstered the bow.

"My apologies," Sideburns said to the bard. "I'm just a little jumpy lately."

"No, no, I understand," the stranger said, "What with all those outlaws about, I imagine we all are."

"Yes," Sideburns said, and he hoped the bard hadn't seen his face on any of the posters nailed to the trees "Those outlaws."

"Like that one guy..." the man said, "What's his name, Flan Rider?

"Flynn Ryder?"

"That's the one! It's as if every other tree is papered with his face. They never can seem to agree on the nose though..."

"Oh? I hadn't noticed."

"Well, I have a keen eye—keen ears too—especially when it comes to suspicious folk."

"Suspicious folk, you say?" Sideburns said. He did his best not to smirk.

"Anyway, that's why I'm in these woods, actually. For the bounty. Perhaps you might be willing to join in and we could split it. After all you got the jump on me and I can only imagine how useful your skill with the crossbow might be in hunting down a rogue like that shady Flynn character."

Sideburns smiled, knowing the bounties on his own and his brother's heads were each twice that of Flynn's.

"You know what," Sideburns said, "You make a tempting offer. Let me just consult my business partner, and we'll let you know."

"Oh yes, of course!" said the bard. "Is he near?"

"Hey Patches!" Sideburns yelled, and Patches Stabbington came running.

"Yes?" he said gruffly, and he indicated the bard, "Who's this?"

"A bounty hunter. He has a proposition for us."

"And that is?" Patches nearly growled as he gave Sideburns a look that said, why are you talking to a bounty hunter?

"I have a lead on the notorious Flynn Ryder," the bard said, "And I could use some muscle to bring him in."

Sideburns smiled at his brother as if to say, see?

"What do you think, Sideburns?" Patches said.

"I think we could use the money. And if it means we rid the greenwood of this scoundrel Flynn Ryder, all the better."

"That's the spirit!" said the bard.

Patches side-eyed the bard, but he agreed.

"Good!" said the bard, and he extended his hands to the brothers, "I'm Alan, by the way."


The three of them pitched camp in a clearing near where the Stabbingtons had lost track of Flynn Ryder. It had been days since they had lost Flynn, and they had combed through the woods for days without luck before stumbling across the bard Alan.

Alan pitched his tent next to the brothers' larger shared tent before sitting down with them by the fireside to explain he had a lead on the secret cave entrance to a hidden valley that was rumored to be located nearby, and that they would strike out in search of it in the morning. Alan, like the Stabbingtons, had already combed most of the forest and the nearby towns. Flynn had to have found the hidden valley.

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