Ch. 1

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Shaun Carter smiled as he placed his completed exam on his professor's desk, confident that he had just submitted perfection. As always, he was the first student to finish any exam and his professor no longer questioned as to why he was able to consistently turn in perfect International Finance exams in under 30 minutes. There was no need to consider the likelihood of cheating for all classrooms in 2050 New America were equipped with cameras to monitor every student, ensuring academic integrity. Shaun proudly walked back to his desk, grabbed his bag and his jacket, gave a wink to the attractive girl that sat next to him, and walked out the door, eager to start his weekend. Many would consider Shaun an alpha male, and his intelligence, charisma, and physical stature supported those claims. He stood six feet four inches tall and he maintained the fitness level of a pro athlete. His structured face, rugged jawline, and dark brown hair combed neatly to the back left of his head gave him the image of professionalism and masculinity that would make any woman swoon. He always wore his mother's business casual line that consisted of Ludlow suit pants and dress shirts made from the finest Italian fabric. Shaun had always been the pride of his parents. But regardless of how proud David and Louise Carter were of their son, it seemed that no matter how successful he was in life, there would always be room to improve.

David was the Managing Director of Martel Hunter, a leading investment bank on Wall Street and Louise thrived as one of the more prominent fashion designers in New America, creating glamorous wardrobes for the society's elite. Their eight figure income and the social status resulting from it brought them favorable views from the New Order, and the Carters pledged undying allegiance to them in return. Seeing the benefits of being on the worthy side of the New Order, David had always demanded that Shaun test for reproduction rights upon his 21st birthday; nobody climbs the corporate ladder on Wall Street while being a non-reproducer. This fact was always in the back Shaun's mind, and it caused him immense stress. He obviously had the mental and physical attributes to pass the reproduction test, but a failure would devastate him and his parents alike. The Carters did not tolerate failure in any form and without the coveted blue tattoo, satisfying his parents would be impossible.

Although Shaun personified the image of New American success, being one that seemed to fit the criteria that the New Order demanded, he quietly protested their motives in his head. He always pondered as to how it could be fair to deny someone the right to start a family based solely on their inability to pass a test. This, among other facets of the new constitution, angered Shaun to a point of wanting to participate in physical protest, but the risk of death by the hands of the UPF and being shunned by his family did not warrant the need to do so. So Shaun planned to do what his father demanded and take the test with no resistance.

As Shaun walked across the Columbia University campus on his way home, he heard a familiar voice behind him calling his name.

"Hey Shaun, wait up!" He turned to see his best friend, Darius Marshal, jogging up to his side.

"Hey man, did you rock that test like you so confidently claimed you would," Darius asked as they started to walk in step.

Darius also had the natural appearance of future success. In this day and age of New America, there was no racial bigotry, for the New Order did not allow it. And Darius being an African-American would cause no limitation to the success he dreamed of. He, like Shaun, had an athletic build that fit snugly into his custom tailored suit. His closely trimmed hair formed a neat line across his forehead and his vibrant, white teeth shined brightly in contrast to his dark skin.

"Of course I did," replied Shaun as he grinned, "do you even have to ask?"

"I swear that cockiness will get you in trouble one day," Darius said, "but I guess that's what the investors want to see, am I right?"

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