chapter 1

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Caitlins P.O.V

"Caitlin, Cassadee, come downstairs. its adoption day again" our head carer said to us as we were getting ready for the monthly adoption day.

this one was special however, because i found out that two bands would be taking part in the charity event the orphanage holds and i was so excited.

we weren't told which bands were taking part but all i was told is that they are pretty popular in the alternative scene or something like that.

anyway, i may as well tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Caitlin and I'm 16 years old. i love alternative music and heavy metal which is why i am so excited for this adoption .even if i don't get picked, i would at least like to find out which bands are adopting.

I am really tall for my age, standing at about 5,9. i have blue eyes and blue hair. the thing about me is that i have a sister. a twin, sister.

the carers allowed us to dye our hair so them and the other kids here wouldn't get us mixed up so i got given blue hair dye while my sister got given red.

people said we were like fire and ice, not just because of our hair, but because of our behaviour.

we are like the typical brother and sister. we have a love hate relationship except i think Cassadee is all round evil and is only nice when she wants something, like this adoption.

she claims that she doesn't want to be split from me if i get adopted so she asked the carers to place up for twin adoption. that is when a family or a person adopts us as a package i guess (i have no idea if this is a real thing or not) 

cassadee and i both had our hair straightened and and we wore our favourite outfits.

i wore some black jeans with a plain singlet and pikachu sweater, while cassadee wore a shirt which im guessing is merch from the band Attilla since it says 'suck my fuck' written on the front with a skelleton flipping everyone the finger. she also wore black jeans but hers were slightly more ripped.

we walked down the stairs and into the main hall or on days like this, it was called the adoption hall. we took our seats and name tags and watched as some random people walked around, talking to the other kids and asking them questions about their previous family.

after about an hour of having to talk to these random people, our head carer, Jamie, announced that the two bands were here.

i got super excited and left my seat next to cassadee to one at the front of the room so i could be the first to see who it was.

I saw a short girl with pink and orange hair walk in with snuglasses over her eyes but i didnt need to see her face to know that it was the one and only hayley williams of Paramore.

i started to fangirl on the inside as she looked at me and smiled. she started to walk over to m and so i stood up to greet her properly.

"woah, nice hair" she said and ran her hand through my long as hair.

I saw cassadee apear beside me and i gave her a dirty look. this is becaus she is always the more popular person out of the two of us even though we are exactally the same.

her and hayley started talking as i just sat back down and waited to see if the next band was worth talking to.

two guys walked in, also with sunglasses clinging to their faces and at first i didnt regognise who it was but once they removed their glasses and i saw one of the guys head.

i started to have a bigger fangirl attack because Alex and Jack from all time low were standing right infront of me and smiling.

"hey, Nice hair" they did the same this as hayley and i just laughed and tried to act cool infront of them.

"whats your name?" Jack said and i snapped back to reality and i seemed to calm down a bit, now that i knew they were real.

"Caitlin, and thats Cassadee, my better then me in everything sister, i guess you want to talk to her now so i wish you luck" i said and as i went to sit down, Alex held onto my arm and pulled me back up.

"no, i think your sister is already taken and besides, you seem much cooler then her anyway because blue hair is the best."  he pointed over to my red headed sister and he seemed to be right.

Cassadee was infact filling out forms with Hayley by her side. "oh" was all i could say before smiling that i might actually have a chance.

"so have you seen anyone that you want to adopt yet?" i asked the both of them and they nodded.

"yes, actually" my heart dropped as it probably wasnt me but here is always the next charity event i guess.

"she is really tall and just by looking at her you can tell she plays the guitar and that is pretty cool. she also appears to like pokemon but im just guessing." alex said and i looked around the room, looking for this girl.

when i couldnt find anyone that met their description i turned back to them and shrugged. "who is it?" i said with a sigh and the two guys exchanged a look then back to me.

"you" at first i thought they had said that it wasnt me but when i realized that it was me i did a little happy dance.

"im finally getting saved from my shit storm of a sister woo hoo!" alex and jack both laughed and went off to sign some forms and other important crap like that.

i ran up into my room and packed all of my things and slid my guitar into its case before i rushed downstairs to see that cassadee was standing there with hayley williams.

"bye sis, im going to miss you" she said with a smirk but i just nodded at her, the smile not leaving my face.

 i threw all of my things into the back of Alex's car and hoped in the back seat with my guitar case.

a minute later, Alex and Jack slid into the car and look back me.

"i knew you played guitar. are you any good?" Jack said and i nodded.

"when i was fourteen, i won the battle of the bands with my sister and two other guys from the orphanage, so i would like to think im good." i laughed and we started to drive off and away from the orphanage and i was now on the road o a new life 

so, i can tell there are going to be a few spelling and grammatical errors throughout some of the chapters but thats because i wrote this on my laptop and i type super fast... so i hope you enjoy aint it fun living in the real world and yeah, thanks for reading this i guess... :)

Ain't it fun, living in the real world (all time low and Paramore)Where stories live. Discover now