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Heda's Second

Reyna grunts while she blocks her sisters blow, her sword scraping the side of her own as she lifts her right leg and kicks her sister into her side

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Reyna grunts while she blocks her sisters blow, her sword scraping the side of her own as she lifts her right leg and kicks her sister into her side. Lexa grunts from the impact, her body being jerked backwards but she quickly regain her footing just in time to block the raven haired girls swing. A spark flies off of their swords and falls to the ground, Lexa's gaze falls towards it for a half a second, a silly mistake. As she drags her gaze back up, she came face to face with Reyna's fists. The twelve year old girl groans in pain as the impact sends her on her back, her face scrunched up in pain. Taking her chance, Reyna quickly climbs on her smaller one, one leg at her waist while the other straightens out to give her more strength as she brings her sword in the air by her handle. Just as she was going to slam it down, a much larger hand grabs her handle roughly, stopping her movements.

"That's enough," a deep voice informs the sixteen year old. Reyna lowers her sword before standing up, her breathing heavy as sweat drips down from her braided raven hair. She looks down at her younger sister, her eyes still screwed shut from the throbbing pain she felt from her nose, mouth and chest. The skin was red, not only from the cold but from the hits, her adrenaline slowly leaving her blood causing a wave of exhaustion to come crashing down on her body.

Anya steps up to the sixteen year old, her black warpaint adding extra shadows around her eyes as her intense gaze stayed on the younger girl. "Good work Reyna, you did well as always."

Reyna straightens her back and keeps her face blank as she puts her sword back into its leather holder on her hip. "Thank you Commander Anya."

Anya nods at her before turning back to Lexa, her eyes narrowing down into a dissapointed glare. Lexa flinches, not needing to open her eyes to see her intese glare that was piercing her skin. "Get up Lexa," she orders over the noise of the other fighting students.

Not missing a beat, Lexa jumps to her feet, leaving her sword on the ground as she imitates her sisters form. "Yes Commander."

"You let yourself get distracted by a petty spark. I trained you better then that girl. Do that again and you'll be back to training with your age group, understood?" Anya questions the girl, her intense stare not breaking from Lexa's.

"Understood Commander," Lexa nods, her hands balling at her sides and Reyna couldn't help but send a sympathetic glance to her sister. It was Reyna's fault for Lexa fighting with the older kids, she wanted to stay by Reyna at all times. She trained until she couldn't move a muscle everyday until Anya allowed her to join the sixteen year old warrior training session. Teens who had more tricks up their sleeves, teens who love picking on the weakling. But they all quickly pulled back when Reyna stepped in, as Anya's second it brought a type of respect to her name and the teens didn't dare to try and challenge her.

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