Chapter 9

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9|Wolf in Sheep's Clothing


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THE STENCH IN THE AIR WOKE BELLAMY FIRST. All around him was the smell of chemicals, blood, sweat, and urine. It clings to his skin, the hairs in nostrils, and on the buds of tongue. Slowly, Bellamy blinks away the exhaustion from his ebony eyes and grunts. He was laying on something cold and hard that had... large holes? When he opens his eyes, he found out why.

A cage. Bellamy was in a metal cage above the ground. He shivers, curling his body closer into himself from the crisp cold air hits his bare sun kissed skin. He didn't wear any clothes, only a wrapping of white around his manhood. The young male slowly inches his hand forward, gripping his fingers around the thins bars to haul himself up but hisses when his head hits the low top. He was hunched over, surrounded by other cages filled with curled up bodies in the corners. Everywhere he looked all he found was a full cage, their wails and small whimpers hitting his ears like a small whip. He didn't know what the words were, but he knew in his bones that some were praying to whatever gods they believed in.

Bellamy tightens his grip in the door of his cage, shaking it and making the metal clank against itself. Panic quickly dwells in his bones at the thick lead lock keeping him in. Bellamy thrashes to squeeze his arm through one of the many holes and grab onto the lock. He pulls and pulls, hoping that he'll find a weak spot in the old thin thing, but to no avail. So he shakes the door once again in a harsh manner, growling in anger as the metal held.

"Quiet, they take the strongest." Bellamy whips his head to his right at the speaking girl. She too didn't wear any clothes, only white wraps around her wrists, breasts, lower area, and around her left thigh. Some were coated in dry blood, the red color soaked deep in the white. She had thick muscle on her bones, but he could tell they weren't as big as before her hell in here. Her skin was sickly pale, almost like a porcelain dolls color either form malnourishment, or from the lack of sunshine. Her hair was a light brown with golden streaks in it like the sun itself painted its own unique color into her locks. Her eyes was sunken in like her hallowed out cheeks, large purple bags beneath to show her lack of sleep and heavy exhaustion weighing down her limbs. Her nose straight and small, a perfect size for her oval shaped face. Plump, chapped lips having cuts and flecks of crimson.

Bellamy merely shakes his head at the brooding woman. "I can't... I can't understand you."

His words caught her attention fully, a blinding flame of anger riling up in her. She quickly straightens up, a glare digging into Bellamy's skin. "Sky Person?" She hisses at the male, and Bellamy hesitantly nods. It was all it took for her to spit in his face.

Bellamy's face shrivels up in disgust, his chest heaving in frustration while he wipes a hand down his face. "I take it no one had told you we're not enemies anymore."

The woman only scowls back, shrinking back into her corner with her arms now wrapping around her boney knees.

Bellamy ignores the ugly look and glances around once again, squinting into the white and shadows to look for the one familiar face he needed right this second. "I need to get out of this cage."

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