3 - Purple

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*Jade's POV*

The brightness of the light purple glow on my bracelet was almost intoxicating, as I never imagined finding my soulmate this early in my lifetime.

What are they like? Are they a boy or a girl?

Are they just as excited I am right now?

These thoughts circled my head as I paced outside the club, until I finally mustered up the courage to enter.

The moment I stepped into the nightclub, I could immediately sense him again. My bracelet was glowing an even brighter Purple, as if it was screaming 'SOULMATE'.

A sudden desperation took over my previous need for alcohol, and I began to slip past the growing crowd of dancers and towards the back of the club.

I suddenly halted in my steps as the feeling in my chest increased, and I breathed heavily in attempts to calm my racing heart.

Are they that close? Are they really on the same club as me?

It was only when I lifted my head, did I realise why I was reacting this way.

Our eyes met, and a knowing smile covered his handsome features.

I noticed the gem on his necklace, with the same purple glow as mine, and I knew we were both thinking the same thing.

"You're all mine."

I knew we both recognised each other. I mean; how could I ever forget the face I once considered to be the cutest face in the world?

Cute my ass.

He's matured a lot, and his coconut hair has now grown out, as he settled with the wavy curtain-like parting.

It looks good on him, too good.

I, however, have not changed at all; in my opinion anyway.

I never changed my hairstyle, sure I look older, but not in a 'I've gotten so much hotter' kind of way.

I hope he's not disappointed.

I really hope he's not disappointed.

My feet seemed to be glued to the floor, as Jungkook seemed to get slightly impatient and decided to walk towards me himself. His lips were curved into a gentle smile.

He stopped in front of me so our chests were brushing up against each other, and his height made me curse my shortness as I craned my neck up to look at him.

His smile only widened.

The club was so packed with people to the point where I can't even see the dance floor anymore, but I was thankful we were standing in a somewhat safe distance from the heated bodies and improvised choreography.

However, even if we were in the middle of that ruckus, it wouldn't make a difference.

Because right now, the only person I could see was Jungkook.

Nothing else caught my attention, just him. I could stare at him for hours upon end.

I was falling so deeply just by looking at him, the sweet boy I one knew when I was a teenager.

Slowly, Jungkook lifted his hand to caress my cheek, as he tucked a stray strand of my black, wavy hair behind my ear.

Then he settled his hand on my cheek, and he cupped it softly.

Just his touch alone made me gasp, and my knees buckled slightly as I shut my eyes at the intense waves of emotion pouring into me.

He seemed just as equally effected, as his breath hitched noticeably and he leaned his head forward to lean his forehead against mine.

His eyes fluttered shut, and I found my hand reaching up to grip at his shirt collar, trying to keep myself balanced. With his other hand, he wrapped his fingers around mine and clutched my smaller hand delicately in his own.

I could feel his hot breath on my nose, as it bounced off my lips like a soft breeze; and tickled at my cheeks so slightly I could barely feel it if it was someone else.

But it's him.

I can feel everything when he touches me, I could notice so many little details that I had never realised before. Like his small scar on his left cheek, or the soft purple hue in his deep brown eyes.

So this is what it feels like to have a soulmate;

I'm never going to get used to this.

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