The next school day, Jungkook was whistling, getting ready for school. He grabbed his backpack and headed downstairs.

He was going to spend more time with the cutie in school today. It was gonna be a good day.

"son, come join us for breakfast." his father said beckoning him to the dining table.

He looked at the maids serving his parents, his mother, his father and then rolled his eyes, walking out of the house, getting into the car and ordering the driver to take him to school.

The driver drove into the school premises, Jungkook wasting no time to exit the vehicle. He wasn't really enthusiastic about going to school, he just wanted to leave the God forsaken house.

A hell hole if you asked him.

He looked at the map, checking for his way to the hallways. If he said he could find his way without it, then he was really lying. Better safe than sorry.

He arrived in front of his locker, collecting the books for his next three periods and then walking to class.

He walked into the science classroom, using his eyes to look for Yoonjae and sighing happily when he saw no one was beside him.

"good morning." Yoonjae greeted.

"mm. Morning Jae." Jungkook replied trying to smoothen creases on his eyebrows.

"what's up?"

"the sky? I'm good."

"you don't look good."

"it's nothing you should bother your head with." (A/N: kook is now sharing Tae's headache. Ok bye!)

A few chatters from the entrance of the classroom had Jungkook sitting up straight and watching as the girls who tried to flirt with him yesterday sat on their seat with Taehyung rolling his eyes as he saw them.

Jungkook began to silently hope that Taehyung would meet his eyes. Too bad that prayer wasn't answered.


Taehyung sat on his seat groaning. Why did he always have to have a headache? Like is there no normal day in his head?

"you good?" Jimin asked. As usual, he asked if he was fine.


"then stop frowning. If there was something wrong you know you could tell me yeah?" Jimin asked.

"mhmm. But now's not the time."

"oh. You're thinking about the exchange student yeah?"

"what? no!"

"I see you Tae. I see you."

The teacher for science walked into the classroom and Jimin raised his hand.

"yes, Mr Park?"

"ma'am, I was wondering if I could switch seats. I can't see the board clearly from here."

"what? Jimin! No!" Taehyung whisper yelled. Jimin looked at Taehyung and smirked.

"you'll thank me later." he whispered to Taehyung.

"and where do you think you'll be able to see clearly?" the teacher asked fixing  the glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"can I sit beside Yoonjae? It looks better from there." Taehyung looked at Yoonjae's seat and gasped.

That was where the new student was sitting. This midget. He finally understood what Jimin was trying to do.

"Mr Jeon, please move to Mr Park's seat and vice versa."

"I'll kill you Jimin." Taehyung said looking at Jimin who was walking away and now winked at Taehyung.

Jungkook sat down on the seat and Taehyung wiggled on his seat nervously.

"hi." Jungkook greeted.

"h-hi." Taehyung squeaked. This wasn't how he was last night. Jungkook gave a nod of acknowledgement and sat comfortably on the seat.

"why did you need aspirin last night?"

"o-oh you know, normal headaches. Start of a new semester."

"hm. Are we still meeting up at eight?"

"shoot. I totally forgot. Ye-"

"is something interesting going on there Mr Kim, Mr Jeon?"

"no. Sorry ma'am." Taehyung said now focusing on the teacher but not noticing Jungkook who decided to study his side profile a little longer than he should have.

The teacher began to explain whatever she had on board for them and finally giving them a classwork.

"do this exercise with the remaining time we have left for this class. I want it submitted immediately the bell rings." she said now walking to her desk which was in one side of the room and sitting on it, grabbing her cellphone.

The students began to spark up conversations with each other while doing their assessments but someone who could not sit in their seat for a second, stood up with her books and walked towards the table of the new student.

"Jungkookie." she purred. Sarah.

Jungkook looked up from his work now focusing on the newcomer.

"yes?" he said raising an eyebrow.

"I need help with this. I don't know what to do." she said fluttering her lashes.

"you could have asked someone else."

"but you were closer. The closest person actually." she said Taehyung now looked up from his work raising an eyebrow and Jungkook pursed his lips.

The distance between the two seats were no joke. Taehyung and Jungkook sat at the farthest end at the back.

Sarah and her minions, they sat somewhere in-between the middle and the front row so how was that close?

"yeah sure." Jungkook said, "what did you need help with?" he asked now taking a closer look at the problem. Sarah squealed.

"stop squealing. Some people are trying to focus here." Taehyung grumbled.

"sorry. Didn't notice you there." Sarah apologized sarcastically.

Taehyung could taste the sarcasm but ignored her. After all, the best answer for a fool was silence and she was being foolish.

"Jungkookie... I know you're still new in Korea, so would you like to hangout with me later today after school?" Sarah asked licking her lips.

"what time?" he would do anything to stay away from that house.

"at eight?" Taehyung looked up from his book. He wasn't going to ditch him right?

"I'm sorry. I already have something planned with Taehyung by then."  Taehyung let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"oh I see..." Sarah huffed, "thank you for your help. I understand everything now." she said sashaying away.

What was even her problem?

Jungkook shrugged and looked at Taehyung with a smile only to find out that he had been staring at him.

"is there something on my face?"

"no. I just wanted to ask, why didn't you cancel on me? We could always reschedule."

"I'm not like that Taehyung. First come, first served." Jungkook said smiling and walking towards the teacher's desk and submitting his book.

As if on queue, the bell rang (A/N: rung? Rang? Which one is it?) Taehyung grabbed his backpack, walking towards the teacher submitting his papers and walking out of the classroom towards his locker.






'peace out💟

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