E5: I Won't Stop Till shes here

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"I Don't know what was on the cloth but it made me sleepy and eventually knocked me out.."

I woke up in an unknown place, it looked like a prison cell. It was cold, dark and damp and I was starting to panic,

"HELLO! HELLO!" I shout trying to see if anyone was there or even near by

"I'd suggest you shut up before I make you" A voice said coming from the other side of the door

"Who are you??..and where the hell am I" I shout and kick the door hearing a groan from the opposite side

"I SAID SHUT UP!" The door opens and a small odd looking man came through with a knife in hand, I walked back trying to get myself away from him but it was a tiny room, or cell even, "..so do me a favour and LISTEN!" He puts the knife up to my neck,

"..or what, you going to kill me. I'm not afraid of a man who's 2'2 and not intimidating in the slightest" I say looking him in the eye, he drops the knife, grabbing my neck pulling me into him

"Don't try me Princess because I'd love, more than anything in this world, for your little lover boy to find out that you've been killed or even worse knocked up, just imagine the look on his face if we'd have to get married because you'd be with my child, hahaha I'm laughing just thinking about it" he whispers laughing and when he's finished his sentence he slams me back into the wall, I start to go a dizzy and fall to the floor, he starts to walk out before stopping, "..Kimber!" He says, I mumble a confused noise and he continued, "Billy Kimber, you asked my name so when Tommy doesn't take you back that's the man to blame!" He slams the door and I fall out of consciousness hitting my head on the floor.

— — — —


"TOMMY! THOMAS!" I hear as Ada comes running through the front door and into the den

"What? Where's Meadow? What's wrong?" I say getting up and Arthur and John come through another door looking at the situation that's taking place, "Ada?" I say going over to her, she's been crying

"It-It-it's..M-meadow..I can't find her anywhere!" She cry's shaking her head and grabbing my arm

"What do you mean Ada?" I ask her calmly not wanting to worry myself, she's probably fine...probably, it shouldn't be probably it should be just be fine, she should be okay as long as I'm here

"Sh-she was..at the shop with me and aunt Pol-" she says out of breath and still crying, John decides to buts in when she was talking

"Yeah and?!" He shouts going over to us

"SHUT THE FUCK UP JOHN!!" I snap at him and we all jump, christ I was more worried than I though, "Just tell me what happened Ada, I don't need the full details" I say trying to calm myself down and Aunt Pol comes though the door, also out of breath

"Okay..uh..so shop, we were at the shop and Meadow was there, of course she was. Well me and Pol went to look in another isle of dresses and the next thing we know she's vanished!" She

"A van, A black van I saw! That's why I didn't come in with Ada I tried to get to it but it was just to fast, Tom!" Pol says taking her jacket off and putting two bags down

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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