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Winter, 1916

It was a cold December night around 11 o'clock when meadow had just left the garrison with Ada after a night of endless drinks, Ada was completely out of it and meadow still had consciousness but was slightly drunk.
They headed to the Shelby house as Ada and Meadow had planned a sleepover to forget everything they still remember after a few drinks. They had been to meadows house hours previous to get her things and said bye to her father.
When they arrived at the Shelbys home the tried to go up the stairs without falling, the failed miserably as Ada fell and almost wiped meadow out. They were laughing so much they heard finn wake up so they ran right to Adas room and collapsed on the bed.

Meadow woke up being shook by someone, she opened her eyes to see polly she looked as if she had been crying.

"Whats wrong"

"Your father, he's not waking up"


"He died meadow"

He died
Those word played in her head until she realised she would never see her father again. Before she even knew what was happening she was pulled into a hug by polly. She just cried into her shoulder until she heard Ada wake up.

"What happed"

"It's meadows dad"

"Aw, come here"

I turned round and hugged Ada as hard as I could, I couldn't believe it first my mum now my dad. What's wrong with me.
— a while later —

I told Polly and Ada I was alright I lied I felt miserable and sick I just needed to get out of this place. I went home wrote a letter to the Shelbys thanking them for everything and saying it wasn't their fault I'm leaving. I went upstairs to my room, grabbed a bag put some clothes, my jewellery, money and a picture of me and tommy and ran. I didn't know where I was going but I had to get away.

I'll never forgive myself for leaving during the war

Thoughts flooded through my head,

What if tommy what's to see you after the war

He'll never forgive you for leaving

He doesn't have any parents did he run away, no

What about finn

you love finn and would die if anything happened to him

She couldn't take it anymore there was to much worrying if she stayed, of course she will always worry about them but it's better if she leave and let's everybody live their life.
Since her father died she'll get put in an orphanage or adopted by some upperclass family, she doesn't what any of this she just wants to be with Thomas but she can't as he is in the war and doesn't know when he'll come back.
Only short didn't really know what to write

Let me know what you think
B x

I WANNA BE LOVED BY YOU | TOMMY SHELBYWhere stories live. Discover now