E1: Hello Again

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It was around 4 o'clock in the afternoon when I got my letter from polly,
It was saying that she misses me and thinks I should come and stay with her. She wrote this because I told her I had gotten into some trouble with the police in London and needed to move quickly.

The week previous I had gotten into a fight because I was at a bar and a man wouldn't leave me alone so I taught him a lesson by punching him and shooting his leg. When the police got told I got taken in for 2 days and then let out with a waning. It wasn't even the worst I've done I almost killed a girl at the fair for looking at me and Thomas the wrong way, of course I didn't kill her because tommy pulled me off of her but she was baldy damaged.

I've always thought about going back to Small Heath but I've also thought of their reactions, will they hate me, will they hug me, will the ignore me.
I don't know what will happen and I've never wanted to find out. Ada and Polly have been begging me for about 4 years to come back but I've been to nervous for it,
until recently.

I wrote to ada a couple of days ago saying in coming back for a few days and I'm waiting for her letter back until I pack and get ready to leave.
—(skip to 9)—
Adas letter has just came through the door and I practically ripped it open, I couldn't believe what I had read.

To meadow,
I need you here as soon as possible. I got your letter and I hope to see you soon but I have bigger new,

I'm pregnant with Freddie's baby.

No one knows, not even aunt pol. If you come soon (which I hope you do) you can't tell anybody, especially tommy as him and Freddie aren't talking at the moment over some stupid election crap.

I really want to see you again and if you come here soon we could go shopping for the baby and go to the garrison like old times. The boys are missing you, when they came back the tommy was miserable when he heard you ran away. He hasn't been the same since the war and doesn't stop talking about you, he'll mention you at least 5 times a day it's either,

I wonder what she looks like now


Is she married and has children

I told him to write to you but I think he's scared you won't write back I think when you come back the boys will be happy, very happy especially tommy.

I'll go to the station every day this week to wait for you.

Love Ada x

I can't believe she's pregnant before me, we always joked that me and tommy would have a family and Ada and Freddie would but it's all becoming to real. The little innocent Ada I knew is pregnant.

Now I've got Adas letter I should start packing, I can't wait now that she said the boys will be happy with me showing up. I hope that was the truth.

—-on the midnight train-—
I was sitting in one of the the middle carriages waiting until I arrived in Small Heath. Ada said she would be waiting for me, I guess she has nothing else to do.
It was around 5 o'clock in the morning and the worker told us we would be at Small Heath in around 5 minutes, I don't know how I feel right now but it's a mixture of anxiety and joy.

I closed my eyes and just prayed that they would not hate me.

The train stopped at the station, was I finally here

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