Rollercoaster | 50

Start from the beginning

He quickly glanced at me and gave me his cute smile that I adore.

He coughed, "I'm okay 'cause you're already here."

He's sweating and that's good for his cold.

"I'll just get the food I prepared for you." I said.

I was about to go out of his room but- I felt the hands that prevent me from leaving.

"Don't go," he said while his eyes were closed.

I chuckled when I heard those words.

"I'm not leaving you, I'm just going to get the food. It'll just take a minute, I think?" I said while holding his hand.

"No, I don't need the food. I need you." he said.

"Okay fine. I'm not leaving, you should just sleep then. I'll be waiting for you to fall asleep." I was just patting his back until he sleep.

I saw his eyes closed, I grabbed the opportunity to stare at his visuals.

To stare at his nose which I really adore too.

To stare at his red and kissable lips.

To stare at his jawline which can really make you feel tensioned.

What is this feeling? I don't know what I am feeling nor do I really know how to feel?

He's turning me on. I'm getting the heat from him. Even at his simple sleep, I feel turned on-

I quickly shook my head as I realize what I am thinking.

"Lisa, what are you even thinking?" I thought to myself and started slapping my face to awaken myself.

I got to feel myself back again.

But when I get to stare at him again, it intensifies the heat even more.

His eyes are still closed but he started to unbutton the two buttons of his white polo.

I gulped-

No, it isn't right. Please. No.

I started thinking that he's doing it intentionally and on a purpose.

But I'm confident that he's really asleep.

It's just that it's me who feels this kind of feeling.

The more I look at him, the heat intensifies even more and more.

But when I look away, I'm craving to look at him. It is triggering me to look at him, it is commanding my mind whom is responsible of what should I do.

He moved a little while he's still asleep. It's okay. He just moved, Lisa. Chill.

He gulped and I saw how his adam's apple move. The heat's really in my body. I can feel it.

I am thirsting from him.

I want him. I want him to touc-

No, this is wrong. This isn't right. This isn't good for the both of us.

I slowly moved his hand away from my lap and was slowly leaving his room.

I was about to close the door warily but it was opened all of a sudden.

I saw how Jk opened it. He's awake now. I might have awaken him. The tension I'm feeling might awoke him.

I was shocked when he quickly pulled me inside his room and closed the door.

He's staring at me in my eyes. His eyes aren't normal. It's like hypnotizing me.

The heat from awhile ago suddenly appeared out of nowhere once more.

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