III - The Immovable Damsel

Start from the beginning

Amethyst gritted her teeth. She can't do anything to her sisters. It could've been easier if it was warriors holding her down, and it seems that there was nowhere to run after the Three Sparkling Older Sisters covered every hole she can escape from their clutches.

Even though faulty, her eyes desperately searched ways and holes in every nook and cranny. Door, closed. Windows, closed. Borrowing hole, closed. They already knew her tactics after years. There's no way they will be leaving any blind eye at this so-called golden opportunity.

Damn it. I need to get out of here. But where?

"I'd rather drown myself, thanks."

"Oh hush, Amy-chan! We're doing this for your own good!"

"If there are really gods or goddesses out there, please spare me this punishment, though I don't know what have I done to deserve this." Amethyst deadpanned, closing her eyelids after being slapped on the wrist by her oldest nagging sister. "Stop being so dramatic, imouto-chan." Garnet-nee rolled her burgundy orbs. "You'll see that he's the best match for you after this!"

Amethyst can't find the will to struggle anymore. Too surrounded. Powders and tight cloth wrung around her body just like anything before this one. Instead, she imagined ways how to finally end that outsider's life behind her head. Oh, she'd love to see his leek-haired head skewered on a stick for everyone to see. It would be her little trophy. While his lower body chopped up to pieces. Thrown into the vast of the ocean to be fed for the fishes limb per limb.

On the other hand, the outsider felt a cold chill along in his spine.

Amethyst never knew what happened to her next. But she felt so stiff in the torso, breasts nearly spilling out from her hide, heavy eyelashes, swollen lips, and her frizzy blond hair tamed into straight locks, and heck, her sandals are replaced with ones with high fucking soles.

Isn't this what Garnet-nee wears everyday???

"Kukuku... Have you fallen for my charms so quickly, Miss Lillian?"

Behind her back, Amethyst can hear her 'hiding' sisters squealing like banshees. They didn't even bother hiding themselves properly, boldly giggling behind their hands with their masterpiece facing the strange man that apparently had their youngest sister's interest. Thinking otherwise, they might be the one who were interested with him.

"You-" Amethyst was still piecing everything inside her head. How in the gods' names did this bastard of an outsider got inside the territory of the village when she specifically told their village guards not to let him in? All she knew was that they will have the taste of a beating her fists can only give to those two when this is over.

"Oh my god, he's so cute up close...!"

"Go get your man, imouto-chan...!"

"*Sob* My baby... is growing up...!"

Amethyst considered beating the outsider black and blue instead. No words can measure the rage and ire threatening to shatter the last veil of control she was trying to cover. But something was strange.

Surely, the whole village will be at their windows looking out just to get a glimpse of the outsider if they knew that they were going to come here. However, the noise outside remained the same. Then that must mean that the outsider snuck his way in from that long ass bridge into this side of the village without anyone noticing, probably with the help of Kohaku and Chromium. She will have to talk to them later too after Kinrou and Ginrou, for sure.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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