Deep Within..

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Arizona: Im so sorry about everything. And Erica kissed me i didnt kiss eric... *Hoding calliopes hand as she secretly listened* Calliope please wake up i need you..  please love, Wake Up!

(Arizona crys as she sits beside callies bed)

Arizona: This is all my fault.. I.. I cant loose you, *looking down* I know about Sofia.. sofia already lost a dad she cant loose a mom..This has been a bad few month's  with me messing up but i was made for u and you were made for me and i belive you are my soul mate..

(Arizona now sitting next to calliope as she pretends to be under still)

*Calliope hand touches Arizonas face*

Calliope:You know whats going to happen to us dont you Arizona..

(Arizona looks down)

Arizona: No..

(Calliope replys)

We are going to...

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