The truth hurts... Bad!

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As Arizona sits there with tears in her eyes she blames her self for everything. If she wouldn't have let Erica kiss her then maybe she could still be there for Calliope. But why can't she still be? She didn't do anything wrong? Erica kissed her she didn't kiss Erica. Arizona Gets up to look for Calliope.

Arizona found calliope passed out in the hall with blood coming from her mouth.

Arizona calls a code and gets help. Derek took Callie back for surgery and all Arizona could do is cry and shake. Erica walks into the hospital.

Erica: Het pretty lady what's wrong (as she rubs Arizona's shoulders)

Arizona: Get the hell away from me! You messed everything up and I can't even spend the last night with my girlfriend because you kissed me!!

(Arizona gets up as Derek walks out)

Derek gives Erica the sink eye and takes Arizona back.

Derek: she's doing just fine the surgery went as planed she should wake up soon. Would you like to see her?

Arizona: (crying) yes!

Derek takes Arizona back to the room an leaves her there..

Arizona hold Callie's hand.

Arizona: Iloveyou Calliope. I love everything about you.please dont leave..

Callie: (awake but listening to what arizona has to say..)

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