Chapter three!

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You placed your hands in front of you face m, you were waiting to get  drown , but instead you felt something wrap itself around and pull you out of that car, you landed on the floor and look up to see sand looking at you "are you alright there (y/n)?" He said with a smile "w-why did you sink you car into the lake?!" Sam smiled, while putting the chikarraffe back into the suitcase "well it's not actually My car! It's the BADGUYS! And the will use the car to track us down!" You sighed and looked around for you suitcase. "Oh dear..." Sam looked at you "what wrong (y/n)?" You look down where the car had been sunked. "My suitcase was in the car..." "oh! Don't worry (y/n), Look! It's right over there!" He said pointing "we must hurry up before we miss the train" "Train?"sam smile "well duh! How we're going to get too meepvillie?" He said while jumping into the lake to get your suitcase. "W-w-wait Sam! I dorm know how to s-s-swim!" Guy growled and jumped into the lake too.

You look down and you stomach made a million flips, Sam looks at you from the bottom of the lake "hey!? Are you going to jump?!" You shook your head "I-I-I can't swim! I'm scared of drowning!" You can see him smile "it's okay (y/n)! I'll catch you!" You hesitate and look down in fear. "You can do this! I believe in you!" You took a step back, and ran, and you jumped off the cliff.

You sank into to water, you opened you eyes only see see blue and back mixed, you panicked and started kicking. You felt something grab your arm and pull you up, you saw sam's arm wrapped around you tightly. You blushed and grabbed s hold onto his arm "you were okay there, Right?" You smile "yeah, I just panicked" he smile and nodded.

* * *

The three of you walked to a train stop, Sam and hit were taking while you were looking around, "and don't you even dare sit next to me!" Sam laughed "oh I worn even dream of it!" He said while walking to the train.

* * *

Sam sat right in front of guy, and you were next to guy Sam soon spoke "you know that the eyes are the window to you soul?" He said while looking at guy, buy growled and stood up and sat on the other seat.

Sam smiled look at you and signed you to sit in front of him, so you did go and sit in front of him. Once you sat there he grabbed your hands and smile at you, you blush and look down "aw (y/n)! Don't hide your eyes from me!" You blushed even more but you looked up at Sam. He smile "I just saw your soul, it's very colourful!" You blushed and smile "I don't really see myself that colourful really" he shook he's head "you draw very good and very kind! You would have the brightest soul in this train!" You giggle and look down 'this boy is making me Crazy!' You thought.

* * *

Soon you, Sam and guy were sitting at a table, the train got into a loop and you held onto Sam for dear life, you saw the water from the small vase land of Guy, Sam smile and quickly grabbed a flower and handed to you say "for the beautiful lady next to me!" You blushed madly and giggled "Oh Sam! You too kind!" You and Sam kept talking while Guy looked nervous at these to females sitting next to us.

You noticed sam's suitcase move and you were about to tell him till the young girl spoke "uh, ma'am? You suitcase is moving..." you grabbed sam's suitcase and smile at her "t-t-thank you s-sweetheart!" You handed the suitcase to sam. You over hear the mom saying something about Sam being a stranger and I guess Sam also heard because He got in the table and said "well let me unstranger myself! I am sam! Sam I am!" He looked over to you and smile and blushed "this over here is the beautiful (y/n)! I would totally marry her if I had the chance! Hehe!" You blushed and spoke "w-what-And this is My best friend Guy am I!"

The mother looked at guy and siad "your that sad and dangerous inventor! Maybe your trying to stalk us!" The Child spoke right after that "and the crazy stranded guy we saw in the middle of the road!" Sam smiled "that's him!" Sam got out of the table and placed his chair next the the young girl and he somehow managed to pick you up, along with you chair and placed you rather close to him, he also put guy next to the lady in front of the young girl.

When Sam finally say down he said "no let me but all of you dinner" the lady looked paranoid "no! That's not necessary!" He laughed "well the we'll have green eggs and ham!" He looked at guy "come in guy give them a try! You may like them on a train!" "I will not like them on a train! Oat Toast please" he said to the waiter. Sam looked at you "well what about you (y/n)?" "I'll like green eggs and ham on a train Sam I am!" He smile "two for me and the beautiful lady next to me! And two more my gal pal's" you blushed more he called you beautiful. The young lady spoke "green eggs and ham? Ew gross.." guy smiled in victory "Haha! Yeah!" "What?" The girl said. Soon guy started taking about how green eggs and hams were fells but you paid no attention at all.

Soon when he fished the only thing that Sam siad to him was "so...your a rash girl?" "No! I meant that girl!" Sam smile and looked at the young lady "he's probably a rash girl" after he said that, the chikaraffe started moving. "Well buddy you take care of the bill! With the money you have left!" He siad as he grabbed his suitcase and grabbed your hand, before he closed the door he said "have fun in meepvillie!"

Lolol I am so dead inside I have school today at six and it's already 12 am, I've been staying up all night writing these cringe fanfic Lolol well I really hope you like this trash kekek.

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