Chapter - 2

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Everything was moving in slow motion.
"I didn't know that you are such a great dancer." Rain said.
"Mom used to dance with me." He gave her a smile. Rain instantly regretted saying that. He must miss his mom terribly today. His mother died years ago as he had told her. Everyone had their family with them today except him.
"Its time for announcement." He said and dropped her hand. With one hand still on her waist he escorted her where Molly was.
"You look beautiful Molly." he said and Molly hugged her.
"I am so proud of you dear." she said.
"Its too early. Maybe I am not selected." he laughed but it didn't quite reach his eyes. He was nervous and Rain could see it.
"Hey." she took his hand. "You will be selected. There is no one better than you. Okay?" she said.
He just nodded.
A man dressed in a black suit announced the arrival of the chief. It was the first time Rain had seen him in person. He was older than he looked on the screen. Somewhere in his fifties.
" My Fellow Arians, Like every year, I welcome you all to this ceremony. I see many new faces eager to serve the land of Arianna. Our land is proud of you sons and now if I have heard right our daughters too have developed this patriotism." Few people who knew Rain turned to look at her. Her mother was embarrassed. She was always against her going to fights. The cheif continued," I see our children eager to hear their name announced. So why not make the announcement first." And the first guy took his place. One by one guys were called and the Chief gave them their badges according to their distinction in the tryouts. Some twenty names have been announced and Grett's wasn't yet. She was holding on to Rain's hand as if, if he loosened its grip he might fall down the Ned Fall and never breathe again.
The chief was back at the centre again.
"As I see, our selectors have chosen one special candidate straight for the Second in charge. Kyle Grett."
Grett didn't move. Rain felt her heart swollen with pride. It was her Grett who was selected for the best of the post and just after the tryouts. Grett was still not moving. She pushed him forward and he started taking baby steps.
On the stage, the chief pinned the badge on his blazer and said something to him. Grett looked happy. He even got his photograph clicked with him. After wards, the Chief spoke another few words and then announced dinner.
"Grett." she hugged him
He hugged her back and so tightly that she felt short of breath. "I will die of happiness." he said.
"I will die of suffocation." she managed to say. He released her and they both started laughing.
"I am so happy for you, Grett." Molly said with a pat on his shoulder. and said instantly "Good evening, sir."
Both Rain and Grett looked at her perplexed that what have suddenly happened to her. And then saw that she was not looking at them but to someone else past them. They turned and saw Chief standing there.
Both of them greeted him.
"I hear you are the girl who wants a place in our army." Rain realised that she was the centre of attention here.
"Yes, chief." she said
"If you permit, I would like to ask her for a dance young man." He said to Grett.
"Ofcourse sir." Rain was always someone every girl except Sophie was jealous of. Grett never looked at anyone even if they are prettier than her. And now dancing with the chief was a publicity of another level. She wouldn't lose it.
As the next song played , she found herself along with the Chief.
"Do you have any idea, how much talks are going about you?"
"I have no idea sir, but I do admit, I have known that people would talk. And I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting me." Rain had never before met Chief Carlos but when she decided that she want to be a soldier, she wrote to him,pleading him to support her in becoming what she desired. He didn't write back to her but a few days later, in one of his addresses to people he asked girls to volunteer for soldiers as well.
"My curiosity forces me to ask this, why did you even want to engage in the army."
"Sir, there is no man in my family if you don't count my six year old brother. And I wanted to run my family with the same dignity my father had done."
"But girls do not want to take part in such activities. Don't take me wrong. I believe girls can do whatever guys can but you won't find someone who is willing to break the norms here."
"Some girls are beautiful sir but I try to be brave."
"I would say you are both brave and beautiful and also smart." Rain blushed.
"Thats too kind of you sir. You are as nice as I heard you were."
He signalled to Grett to join them on the stage and gave her hand to his. "I believe you would take care of this sweet lady."
"I sure will, sir."
"I take your leave now. I have some things to do."
Rain looked at him going out of the big hall they were in. After he was gone, Rain said to Grett "Wow"
And Grett too said, "Wow."
He pulled her out of the crowd.
"Where are we going?"
"But mom?"
"I already told her that I will drop you home." he added, " I wanted some time with you."
"All my time is yours." she said and moved closer to him.
Suddenly she was reminded of something. She stopped and he stopped as well.
She produced a small box from her clutch and gave it to him. "I brought this for you."
"A gift for me?" he smiled like a small child and took the box from her. He opened it and took the chain out in his hand.
It had a metal pendant on which something was carved. The chain was gold.
"It is a protection rune." she said.
"Its beautiful." he said and leaned in to kiss her.
There in the darkness on the lonely road she was with the one guy she really loved. It almost felt like the beginning of something. Of course it was the beginning of too many things.

The morning in her house was a typical one. It began with shuttering of plates in the kitchen. Her mother was again in the kitchen. She rarely cooked and when she did she was too vocal about her dislike. Also her food was always tolerable. She dressed up quickly for her class. It was gray jumpsuit, their uniform. As she headed downstairs, she saw Matt sitting on his baby chair and her mother working on the counter. He jumped out of it and ran to her.
"Careful boy." she said as he jumped.
After coming near her, he motioned her to bend down "I can't eat that. Please do something."
"I can't. I am sorry." she apologetically to him. During the training days she could never cook and those were the days when Molly had to take over reluctantly.
"But I will bring pastries for you to make up."
A smile on Matt's face was enough to make her day. She loved him

After being thrown down twice she won from Simon, her trainer.
"You are doing well." she said as he took sit on a bench. His shoulders looked heavy.
"Is every thing alright?"
She asked as Rain took sit beside him.
"Oh its nothing to worry about." he said. Rain was calculating in her mind whether she should ask again or not when he said "You should know, shouldn't you?" she didn't understand what he meant and he continued "Something is happening in the outer columns. We could feel it."
"What do you mean?" Rain disliked the outer columns. They were savages. They stole from each other and burnt each other's houses and killed each other. The nobles have always gave donations for them until two years ago when they finally decided it was of no use. Of everything that they did, Rain disliked them because they sided with the rebels. Chief Carlos was a very good leader and they wanted to over throw him so that they could do what ever they wanted in this beautiful state of Arianna. She couldn't stop anger from boiling inside her whenever she thought about the rebels. If anything she hated most in the world it was those groups of murderers.
"Everything is quite. There hasn't been a single theft or any other crime in a month. Not that it is not good but what often follows a silence is a storm."
Rain could understand his worry. She didn't trusted those people herself.
In front of them, Lucas threw a new boy named Mike on the floor." Lucas he is new. You don't have to boast your power over him. If you are that strong, show it to me." with this Simon got up with a command to Rain to practice shooting. Her aim had become better. Infact she could shoot almost perfectly if one or two inches doesn't matter.
Rain was wondering about what Simon had told her and so she went to the Fall. It was one place which gave her peace. Rain loved the loneliness here. It gave her space to think.

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