she zoned out up until they had been seated by a waitress. it was obvious the girl knew who tyler was, he was the only celebrity in all of ohio. though, the girl respected his boundaries and continued on to other tables.

soon enough, tyler ordered a lemon water as well as jenna. their drinks came accompanied with plates of food in which the two couldn't even pronounce.

for once, things felt right.

tyler and jenna played footsie under the table with tyler cliched his way through the whole date. feeding her bites of what he had on his fork, telling her how pretty she looked under the dim lighting, and kissing the back of her hands.

he couldn't help himself. the way she looked in front of the star lined window. her sweet golden curls framed her like a halo.

"hey, babe. i'll be back, i'm gonna use the restroom before we head out." jenna smiled. tyler nodded, his head still spinning in euphoria.

jenna smoothed our her dress as she walked to the restroom. her face smiled oh-so softly while she focused on the night she's had with tyler.

she missed seeing that sun kissed face so lively. she loved listening to his snarky little comments about the people around them and how he'd hum melodies over the preexisting music in the restaurant.

a man, around the same age than her, had other plans. his hand struck her backside before grabbing at it even harder.

jenna stopped in her tracks. her heels felt sharper and her head felt much lighter.

"i- uh. wh-." she stumbled hurriedly over her words, not being able to get a single one out. the man smiled back.

"cats got your tongue, baby?" the man winked. his voice flowed smoother than the black hair slicked back on his head.

jenna was at a loss for words. all she could do was sniffle embarrassed cries before picking up her pace to finally get to the restroom.

the blonde felt lightheaded, dizzy beyond thinking. her chest heaved as she fumbled around her purse for her phone. there was no way in hell she was telling tyler.

she clicked around on her contact list until she hit memmie. jenna prayed she'd pick up, it was earlier in california anyway.

"hey, jenna. what's up?" memmie answered, her voice at such a neutral tone she must have been working.

"memmie, please. i-i this guy, he grabbed me." jenna mumbled into her phone.

she didn't understand why she felt so traumatized. he'd only grabbed her, it could have been so much worse.

"what!? jenna, where are you?" memmie's voice raises a few volumes.

jenna continued splashing and dabbing the cold sink water on her neck and chest while double tasking, keeping her tears in her eyes with a paper towel so her makeup wouldn't smudge.

"i went out to dinner with tyler. a-and then i went to the restroom and he just-he just groped me." jenna sobbed.

"tell tyler right now." memmie spoke, her voice so serious and tone so clear.

"y-you know i can't do that. he's gonna freak." jenna sniffled, trying to collect herself.

"jenna, he grabbed you! your body does not belong to that man. and i don't care how minuscule you think it is, but what that pussy did to you is wrong! it's sexual assault. and if you don't tell tyler then i will and if tyler doesn't put that dudes ass in the grave then i'll do it myself!" memmie ranted.

yes, she sounded pushy but jenna was her life line. it's what you do for the girl you've been friends with since high school, lived with for years, and married her husbands best friend. memmie loved jenna to the absolute bottom of her heart.

"okay, m." that's all jenna could say. she tried cleaning herself up the best she could.

"jenna, honey. i love you so much. you know i'm doing this for you. okay? i love you so, so much." memmie's voice softened.

"i love you too, mem. i'll text you when i get home." and that was the end of their conversation.

jenna compiled herself, finished her business, and continued back out the door. this time, she took the long way to avoid the handsy douchebag.

"there you are. i was afraid you- oh god. what happened." tyler's eyes squinted with tinges of sadness.

jenna's eyes quickly became overwhelmed with tears again. her blue eyes stared deep into tyler's as the two sat in silence.

"he grabbed me, tyler." jenna spoke barely above a whisper. she knew holding it back would just help it marinate deeper into the back of her mind.

"who?" tyler spoke. his teeth clenched while tyler tapped the bottom end of his fork on the table.

"he's over there." jenna said, pointing across the room to the man with the slick black hair. his green eyes pierced into jenna while his smirk hit her direction.

he was just making things easy for tyler.

tyler stood up from the table, pushing his chair in, before heading toward the table in the back corner. his coat was left hanging on the chair, jenna grabbed it quickly, on her way to her husband.

"what the fuck is your problem?" tyler spoke up to the man with the douche smirk.

"look, buddy. i don't know what you're talking about. let me finish my meal with my girl, please." he rolled his eyes before turning back to his date. jenna could have gone green in the face she felt so sick.

and before any other words could be exchanged, tyler swung. a punch landed right to the smug bastards nose.

"tyler, stop!" jenna shouted. she went to pull him back though there was no use.

now stood two grown men, swinging punches to each other as their dates yelled curses from behind them.

eventually, an older man from a nearby table and a waiter, pried tyler from off the smooth-talker. tyler didn't fight back when he felt the satisfaction at the sight of the mans newly bruised face. tyler's didn't look any better.

jenna quickly intertwined her hand with tyler in an attempt to drag him out of the restaurant before they were kicked out. and now, all eyes were on him.

he wiped the dripping blood away from his nose with the back of his fist, now he was the one wearing a smug smirk. tyler may have been beat to complete smithereens, but his ego still sat strong.

"hey, dickbag. you should have known i don't fucking share." he huffed with a smirk even though his head was spinning.

and with that, he wrapped jenna in his coat and headed out to the parking lot.

smithereens (a rebounds sequel) (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now