2. College AU

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Caitlyn stared out the library window at bustle of students on campus. She needed to be preparing for the science project she had due in 2 weeks, but her mind refused to focus. She was blaming it on the beautiful weather they were having (no one should be cooped up in the library on a gorgeous day), but she was quite sure it was due to the lack of sleep she had gotten the night before studying for her microbiology midterm. Groaning inwardly, she glanced down at her list of ideas for her project; she had to get something done today. Everyone of the ideas she had written down were useless. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed. There was absolutely no point in trying to figure it out today; this test had left her brain fried. Deciding maybe coffee could help, she gathered her books and headed outside.

Completely wrapped up in her own thoughts, Caitlyn didn't watch where she was going and collided head on with someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I wasn't... Caitlyn?"

Caitlyn looked up to see who she ran into and was surprised to see Barry Allen standing over her. She and Barry had grown up together, but after his mom died a few years prior, he had moved to Seattle.

"Barry? What are you doing here?"

Barry reached a hand down and helped her to her feet.

"I go to school here. Wow it's been awhile. How are you Cait?"

Caitlyn shrugged.

"I'm okay. I had a Micro test this morning and it left my brain kinda fuzzy."

Barry let out a chuckle.

"Tell me about it Hanson is really tough with those essay questions."

They both let out a small laugh then looked up and gave the other a puzzled look.

"Are you seriously about to tell me that we have been in the same class this whole semester and didn't notice? The 8am class with Hanson?" Caitlyn questioned with disbelief.

"Yeah thats the one. What are the odds Ms. Snow?"

The pair stood talking trying to catch up on what they had missed in each other's lives. It seemed crazy that after years they could still talk for hours.

Barry couldnt believe he ran into Caitlyn Snow. He had been trying to work up the courage to ask her out right before he moved away in high school. Maybe this was a second chance with her.

"Where were you headed when I so rudely ran into you?" He asked with a playful smile forming on his lips.

Caitlyn couldn't help but smile back. How could she have forgotten how cute he was?

"I was actually heading to go get coffee."

"Oh yeah? Mind if I join? I'm buying."

Caitlyn looked at him for a few seconds. "You don't have to do that."

"Sure I do. It's not everyday you run into the girl that got away." He said with a wink.

Caitlyn stared in amazement at him. Was he admitting to liking her? One that got away as in like I should have asked them out? Caitlyn tried to find her words. She had always kinda liked Barry, but they were just friends. Right? I mean sure people had always thought they were dating because they were always together and talked all the time and poked fun at each other, and oh my word maybe he did like her.

Caitlyn snapped back to reality by Barry waving his hand in her face.

"Earth to Cait? Did I break you?"

"Sorry, I just wasnt really expecting that."

"And I wasn't expecting to run into you, but I guess the world has a way of working in the way it's supposed to. Now about that coffee date?"

"Absolutely, but you don't have to pay."

"Sure I do if no other reason than the fact that I did run into you. It's the least I can do."

Barry grabbed Caitlyn's hand and started to drag her towards the direction of the coffee house. Grinning from ear to ear Caitlyn followed him.

If you had asked Barry Allan a week ago about Caitlyn Snow he would have said he was totally over her. It had been years since he saw her. But after taking one look he knew that wasn't true. One thing was certain, now that he found her again, he was never letting her go, and Caitlyn felt the exact same way.

Day 2 down! I hope you guys like it. I'm trying to post these literally every day. Hopefully it works out.

ALSO go check out @NameTheUsed and @TheLostGrimm because they are doing these too and they are amazing!

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