Dog sister

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When the tears are drying
And my face is red from crying
All curled up on my bed
From what my mother said
"The dog's not doing so good."
I must have misunderstood
Then I heard her crying
And I felt like dying
Cause I knew my dog was
"Do you want me to bring you here?" My mom asked
"Thank you but I don't wanna see her pass."
I was embraced by my brother
While I wanted to hug my mother
I woke up today and thought it was a dream
But my dog was no where to be seen
I looked all over the house like she would
I wish I told her I loved her when I could
I know she loved me, her baby
And she knew I loved her there was no maybe
She was my first word "dog"
We both slept like a log
I loved her with all my heart
Now I'm sad to say we're apart
I don't know how I can live without you
You've been with me forever
I love you, Ava
My favorite dog sister
-Your Baby

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