He looked at his house, seeing it was completely destroyed and covered in spray paint, shit and grime. He looked at his front door, seeing multiple detection and lock runes on the door and a sign that says 'home of the whore raven and her family'.

He scowled, walking away from the house and down the lone street.

As he walked down the street, he noticed that things changed, any influence from the Sitri family and his family were gone, almost as if they didn't exist in the first place. He knew that Sirzechs could of erased them from history. But why the Sitri? Wasn't Serafall a lucifer? He saved that thought for later before turning into an alley way, walking past the homeless devils and prostitute succubi before looking at a blue metal door. The sign written above said 'the gates of Hell' in purple neon.

He opened the door, walking in and slamming the door shut. He noticed that the bar was smoky, the smooth jazz playing in the back gave the area a late 1950's vibe. He saw a fat man in a green coat, snoring loudly before a glass was thrown at his face.

?:AHH! What the fuck was that for?!

?: pay your tab and I won't have to do that you tube mother fucker.

He looked to the direction of the voice, seeing a tall, muscular black man wearing a brown sweater vest, blue jeans and black combat boots. His arms were covered in tattoos and his eyes were covered by sunglasses.

?: well I'll be fucked damned. Edward Phoenix, back from the dead.

Edward sat at the bar, looking at the man with dejected eyes. The mans aura was high, higher than anything than he had ever felt before. It was like the ones he met back in the frozen forest. But instead of malice, it was filled with knowledge, power, and respect.

Edward: are you Rodin?

The black man smirked, taking a cigar out his pocket before lighting it with a metal lighter.

Rodin: the one and only. Why u ask?

Edward: Vergil said you could help me regain what I lost.

Rodin's eyebrow raised in curiosity and shock, taking another puff of his cigar before speaking.

Rodin: how do I know you anit some snitch working for that fuckin lobster and his bitch ass family?

Edward sighed before putting his hand on the bar, a blue light appeared and a second later, Yamato was in front of them both. Rodin nodded, now believing what the boy was saying.

Rodin: you mist be pretty fucking powerful for Vergil to give you Yamato. What can I help you with kid?

Edward de materialized the Yamato, re composing himself on the stools before speaking.

Edward: information. What happened while I was dead.

Rodin sighed, putting his cigar out and taking another one, lighting it up and taking a long puff.

Rodin: a whole load of bullshit. My two girls got caught in treason and your family and Risers peerage were arrested by Sirzechs. Not to mention that Serafall and the Sitris are strung in cocytus with your family. Only Ravel, Ni, Ruval, Xuelan and Yubelluna made it out.

Edward: what happened to Riser.

Rodin hesitated before answering.

Rodin: Issei Hyoudou snuck in holy water and a cross into the engagement party, challenged your brother to a fight and beat him to death with it. All while the fucking read head laughed.

Edwards eyes began to glow a fierce red, his aura unintentionally skyrocketing and shook the entire building. Rodin sighed before using a clam spell on the boy, calming him down.

A Phoenix rises from the ashes (High School DxD OC)Where stories live. Discover now