Chapter 6 (Family)

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Adrien sat, finishing up his homework while Plagg munched on his beloved camembert. He had just finished eating his own dinner an hour ago, but it wasn't enough. Almost right after, there was an akuma attack and he burned off those calories pretty fast.

Marinette's busy with her design, though. I shouldn't bother her... He thought, ignoring the feeling in his stomach.

Plagg let out a sigh, "kid... If you're really that hungry you should go get some food from Marinette."

"But she's bus-"

"That was obviously an excuse not to go with Luka. You said you wanted to help her, so go get yourself food and ask if somethings wrong."

Adrien sighed, "I usually don't go so early anyways..."

"Usually? It's been two nights... Really, kid, just go see her."

"I thought you didn't like transforming?"

"No, but despite how I may act I care about you. I don't like you being hungry and sad either."

Adrien smiled at Plagg, making the kwami frown. "What's with that look? It's not just cause I care about you... It makes me lose my appetite! I-I'm no softy!"

Adrien chuckled, "never said you were."

"Agh, let's just go!"


Chat Noir landed on Marinette's terrace with a thump, the sun was just beginning to set. The view was beautiful from there, though it wasn't anywhere near the beauty from the Eiffel Tower. He smiled at the thought of it. He and Ladybug would often go there after patrols. It was nice, being able to sit and talk with her without the urgency to save Paris.

"You're earlier than expected." Marinette commented, making him jump. He hadn't heard her come up.

"My kwami--er, the creature that gives me powers--insisted I come early."

"I know about kwamis, I was Multi-Mouse, remember? And how come?"

"Ah, right, I forgot... Err, he said me being hungry made him lose his appetite..."

"Oh... Oh! I almost forgot! I'll get you some food." Marinette hurried to get him something.

Chat shifted awkwardly, he didn't mean to seem like he just came for the food. He really cared about her and wanted to talk. Hopefully she knows that...

It wasn't long before Marinette came back up, but there was no food. He tilted his head, confused. He didn't mind too much, but he was hungry. Why would she tease him like that?

"Dinner was actually just made, so you can come eat with use if you'd like."

"Oh, really? That'd be nice!" He grinned and followed her back down. He felt slightly awkward, wondering what her parents would think about him visiting for food every night, but they seemed completely fine with it.

"You're welcome here any time. You save Paris almost every day, a thousand dinners could never repay you for what you've done," Tom, Marinette's father, said.

"Thank you! My parents put me on a diet, which would be fine if it weren't for the fact I'm Chat Noir..."

Tom and Sabine looked at each other and frowned, "how old are you? Around Marinette's age, correct?"

"Er, yes?"

"A boy so young should eat lots of food, a diet can't be healthy. You're growing," Sabine spoke worriedly.

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