Chapter 11 (Wrong Target)

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Adrien yawned, he and Marinette had stayed up awhile the previous night, chatting and playing games. He glanced back at the girl, giving her a caring look before turning away. She hadn't noticed, though. Too busy sketching something in her book.

"Woah, girl... That's really cool! Is that Chat Noir?"

"Y-Yeah! I usually only draw clothes so it's not that good but-"

"It's amazing! Could you draw me Ladynoir fanart for me? Please?" Alya begged, eager to get something for her ship. Marinette blushed at that, opening her mouth and pausing before saying anything.

"Eh... Sure... Any requests?"

"Maybe have their masks off! It could help me figure out their identities~"

Alarm shot through Adrien, and he glanced back worriedly. It could be obvious who I am then... I know my eyes and hair are slightly different, but-

"It's a bad idea to expose their identity though. And I care about Chat. Not because he's a hero, but he's really nice. I couldn't do that to him. Or to Ladybug."

"True... Do what you want with the drawing, then. It'll be awesome!"

"Sorry Als, I'll do my best!"

The bell rang, signalling the end of last period.

The teacher sighed, "remember to work on your projects! Tomorrow I'll let you work on it the entire class, we'll continue this lesson another day."

Marinette looked at Adrien, "we only have editing and extra credit decoration left, Alya finished getting extra facts and stuff. Wanna come to my house later so we can finish, or wait for tomorrow?"

"Today sounds fine! How about in an hour? I convinced Nathalie to give Kagami a ride home, and need to drop off a few things at my house."

"Sounds good. See ya then, Adrien!" Marinette smiled, gathering her things and heading out.

Adrien stayed for a moment, staring at her go before a hand touched his shoulder.

"You like her, don't you?" Adrien turned his head to see Kagami, his eyes widened, guilt flooding his stomach.

How could I forget? I'm dating Kagami... I do like her as more than a friend but... He shook his head. "No, she's just a friend!"

She sighed, "Adrien, everyone can see it. You like her... 'The biggest mistake a fencer can make isn't choosing the wrong technique, it's choosing the wrong target'. You have chosen the wrong target, and so have I. We are not a good match for one another..."


"I'll find the right person, and so will you... Perhaps you already have, before me, but you were too blind to see it. It's Marinette you should go for, not me."

"She likes someone else! And I do, too, I like you Kagami..."

She stared at him, frowning. "I can't be in a relationship where I am constantly lied to. You don't even realize you're being dishonest. I saw the look you gave her in class..."

"But... I..."

"I've texted my mother to come pick me up. You should go now, your guard is here."

Adrien turned away, a lump in his throat. He heard Plagg say something sympathetic, but he was to upset to pay attention to what it was. He liked Kagami... Why couldn't he see that?

Is it Marinette's fault..? No... It's my own.  I can't push this on her. Just because I have some feelings for her it's not her fault. I shouldn't have let them show... No, I shouldn't have them! I don't have them!

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